We may finally be settling into some normalcy. Some may call it a routine, but that may be a bit of a stretch. We've come a long way since week two where things got a little dicey on how to do this motherhood/parenthood thing. Some normal things are finally happening - like the previously mentioned shower and solo walk. She's also occasionally giving us longer spurts of sleep at night, like four and a half almost five hours. I will admit the first time that she did this Matt and I had to do a life check.

This past Sunday, Auntie Alaina threw Len and I a baby shower. It was a wonderful day. With the help of Grandma Di, she decorated the house so nice and prepped a nice spread. Was great to have everyone come over and show Len off. She was on her best behavior too! She was thoroughly passed around the circle and never fussed or fought and just ate up all the attention and cuddles. We received some an amazing amount of stuff and Len will be the best dressed baby in town! It was actually overwhelming to receive all the kindness and love.
Matt wasn't able to partake in any of the shower details as I had to drop him off at

the airport on Sunday to fly to Denver for work. This was a big thing for us as it was my first nights truly solo and his first time away from the both of us. We asked Michele to stay a few nights to help out. Was nice to have an extra set of arms...and she had no problems loving Len. The only one who has struggled is TonyDanza, he doesn't like sharing the attention.
Best meal: Well, it wasn't a meal, but Alaina made beautiful cupcakes for the shower and they were pretty tasty too!
ALR and Michele talking in kitchen watching EER
EER rolls onto side.
EER suddenly rolls further onto stomach.
ALR gives Michele shocked look.
Michele: I had told Judy that she is already rolling!
ALR: Did that just happen?
Michele: Yes.
ALR: I don't think I'm ready for that.
ALR and Michele stare at EER
ALR: That seems a bit early.
Michele: I told you she is advanced.
ALR: I'm glad you were here to witness that.
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