Judy, Grandpa Dave, and Liam came a few days earlier than Eric and spent those days in Lansford. We made a trip up as well to spend it with them. They had wanted to go fishing but the weather wasn't conducive to that so we went into Minot and took a stroll around the zoo before having dinner. They did get to go fishing and limited out the next day, but Matt and I had to be back in Bismarck to prepare for Len's baptism and Matt had some meetings at work.
On Friday, the family came down in time to ensure Eric was picked up from the

On Saturday, we had Eleanor's baptism. There was some special things that we specifically planned into her first big ceremony. We did it in the backyard of our

On Sunday, we switched gears a bit and made it all about the family. We went to the Superslide amusement park, the zoo to ride the train, and ended the day at Space Aliens. Liam loved it and feel asleep in the car ride home from the restaurant. When we got home, Matt and I took on Judy and Michele in a game of Pictionary. It was a close game, but Matt and I eventually pulled it off. We wouldn't have done it if we wouldn't have had successful situations like swiss army knife, hard drive, and parrot. There was a lot of laughter, for sure.

Best meal: Len's baptism meal that Matt and I put together with the help and additions from the family. We had roast beef and ham on Grandma's buns, with salads from Michele and Alaina, coleslaw and watermelon from Mom, and for dessert - strawberry cake with chicken dinner bars from Mom and apple bars from Grandma. I loved looking at my husband help me in the chicken while wearing my apron - one of the most handsome things a girl can see.
Great Grandpa sits rocking EER in the corner of the kitchen. Activities happen around them.
G-G Dave to EER: Your Grandma is awful loud.
Michele turns around shocked.
After a failed attempt in pictionary...
Michele: See, that's the fleas on the dog.
Judy: You spent too much time on the dog, I got that part.
ALR: how bad was her blowout?
MJR: Well, it was going everywhere.
ALR: was it one of those diapers from the shower?
MJR: Yes.
ALR: Didn't it say something about a blowout?
MJR: yes, the irony was not lost on me.
All sitting on patio enjoying the evening.
Liam: Help.
Michele: Liam! You can't go through the cat door!