Randy showed up on our doorstep Sunday night, straight from Michigan, with a table, a desk, and boxes of china. He drove the entire way in one shot and he looked beat! I didn't blame him. We got the table set up right away, just in time for the kitties to check it out. We were concerned about how the china made the trip and we only saw that one plate was broken. Not bad, all things considered.

The weekend didn't go as we had planned due to the weather. We were supposed to brand calves on Saturday but the downpours ruled out that possibility. It drizzled most of Saturday until the skies let loose in the afternoon and didn't seem to stop until the snow started on Sunday. Yes, snow. Not enough to really do anything but remind us that we aren't that far into the spring. It rained so much that the banks rose on the ditch. we lost site of the spout and even caught a muskrat swimming around.

Now we started the week the way, with Randy. He was there on Sunday night to Monday morning AND he ended the week with us too! He joined us for Friday night pizza. He had come down for branding, but because of the weather, ended up installing cameras instead. Not what we had in mind, but we kept him busy.
Best meal: Matt picked up tuna steaks and seared them since we couldn't grill. We also had green beans and mashed potatoes to go along.
MJR gets out of chair, Nike drops into it.
MJR decides not to reclaim her chair, sits on couch beside ALR.
ALR: Nike
Nike turns to stare at ALR
ALR: Grandpa is coming tomorrow.
Nike immediately looks at MJR, as if needing validation of sentence.
MJR: Yes, it's right, Grandpa is coming tomorrow.
Nike stares at Matt in complete disbelief.
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