
Wednesday, May 6, 2015

How to drink a Mint Julip...

For those that didn’t know this, I have a secret thing that I do when spring
comes…I start searching. Searching, scanning, watching for buds on trees. Trees can’t lie, they know when it’s safe to assume it’s spring. I’ve been scanning for over a month and some trees have really taken off but the one outside my bedroom gets a quick scan every morning, hunting for the little leaves.

The best surprise happened this past weekend when I woke up and looked out over the buds and there they were….flowers. All over. It was beautiful. Just gorgeous. I love a flowering tree but when I see those blooms completely cover the tree, it’s a sure sign of spring. We’d kicked around the idea of cutting a tree down for more yard, but when I saw those blooms, there was no way I’d even talk about it anymore.

Other things have been happening in the yard. Matt has really spent a good amount of time. Whether it is transplanting sod, building garden beds for us, mowing, looking at sprinklers, or whatever…he’s enjoying the yard like he was never able to in Dickinson. Makes me happy, despite having to stand and look at sprinkler heads in every store in town.
We’ve had a few guests over recently, mostly for meals and drinks, but it’s been fun. Matt has really perfected his pizza, which goes over well with the groups. I don’t complain, especially because we have it the next day for lunch too!

This past weekend, we celebrated the Kentucky Derby. We had to hold off celebrations a bit because Matt volunteered to pick rocks to help my parents, which helped with seeding. I spent time with Mom and cleaned house a bit. We fast forwarded through many parts, but I did much better in my pickings this year, I chose the second place horse. We also enjoyed a twist on the mint julep from last year. I made a basil simple syrup that we added to the fun. They turned out soon good, but I think the credit goes to my cute bartender.
We want to start getting some seeds in the ground soon and we are excited about the garden this year.

Best meal: Matt made a brisket and I made mashed sweet potatoes, I was super impressed with that! 

After putting the last bit of dirt in the raised garden bed that he built.
MJR: I bet the cats think they are coming outside.
ALR: Why would they think that?
MJR: Because they think I made them each their own huge litter box.
ALR: They don't think that! Pshaw.
MJR: (Imitating TonyDanza) This one is all for me and it will never be dirty because it's so huge!
TonyDanza sits at patio door staring. Difficult to read whether this is true or he thinks it's absurd.

Dear Grandma and Grandpa -

I thought you loved me! All I wanted to do was go outside. So I cried at the window, thinking I could convince them using my oratory skills. Matt decided to bring me outside but insisted I wear that ridiculous harness thing. I decided to protest and fight the system and when you saw the video where I decided I wasn't standing for it, all you did was laugh! 

Heartbroken -


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