After Matt and I got in from our private pictures, we got to spend a few minutes with our bridal party. They looked fantastic. We’d been piecing the wedding for a year…the colors, the idea of the tuxes, the dress, the jewelry…and when we saw it all together…it looked gorgeous. The girls looked beautiful, the guys looked great. The ushers were good too. Aside from Matt, the fathers may have been my favorite. They looked so good and the colors with the ties…they pulled it off and when you put them with our mothers, who had picked amazing dresses. It brings a smile to my face thinking about it just how good everyone looked.
Funny side story about my mother’s dress. It was found by accident. We were actually looking for rehearsal dresses and Michele dresses, and then mom picked her dress up and said, “I’d been looking for something just like this!” It was her size, her color, and it looked incredibly rich. She asked if I thought she should try it on and I thought she should. The dress that she had looked nice, but this one was so gorgeous that I would have been disappointed if she wouldn’t have at least tried it on. While I never had a problem with dress #1, I’m so glad that she did find and opt for the switch.
After the break with some mingling…we started the group pictures. I had created a list of the people and combinations that I was looking for and we started going through. I do probably need to apologize to the family and friends that were involved with pictures as I knew how many I wanted done and I knew what time we had and I was going to do all I could to ensure that we got as much as we could.
I can’t wait to see the finals on these pics.

About 3:30, I went back into the clubhouse to prepare for the ceremony and I had one important thing to do before I walked down the aisle. Matt had been looking at watches for quite some time and shortly after we got engaged, he picked out a particular watch that was lightweight, simple, and ran on solar renewal. Now I decided to get it for him as my wedding present to him. There were other reasons that I wanted him to know, but that private premoment was another special moment that was filled with a few smiles, a bit of emotion, and an obvious love.
With some final butterflies rolling through and an amazing moment last Moser moment with my mother, I watched our processional line up and the ceremony began with the clearing of the rain.
My father with extended arm: “Are you ready?”
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