
Monday, March 19, 2012

Saying Things....

It’s been an interesting week; the best part was the weather. It hit 80 degrees this past weekend, in MARCH! Last year at this time, I was still snow shoveling and wearing Ugg boots.

The hard part of the week was the board meeting for NDYP, where the organization that has been providing coordination effort has decided to restructure and has decided to dissolve the board. It was incredibly hard to hear as I’ve enjoyed the times I’ve spent on the board, the leadership opportunities I’ve had, and the relationships that I’ve made.

The nice part was taking Alaina out to supper to celebrate her passing! I got her some scrubs for her future, excited to see where she gets to wear them at. I also gave a private house tour to G M'Dar, Mom, and Alaina. Texturing is now complete. Hoping in a couple weeks I'll get in to see the cupboards and floor!

The best part was that I’ve been given the opportunity to work one day from Dickinson a few times a month. It was a successful day and gave Matt and I a bit more time together. It was a great kickoff to the weekend. We had a memorable Friday night where we had a moving picnic…bought a pizza, took a drive, had some conversation, and ended the night with drinks on the brand new bar. I’m a lucky girl, I date a man that can make a French martini, and likes it!

Saturday, we took a drive to Bowman. Matt is looking at new pickups and has dealt with Bowman before. We took in a bit of the town and ate at the Chinese restaurant. Sunday started too early. We helped out at the Dickinson Rural Fire Department Ladies Auxillary’s breakfast. I forgot how good I was at the waitress card, but I remembered how not good I was with syrup plates, ewwww.

Favorite quote:
MJR: I need to run a few errands this week, including the dry cleaner.
ALM: I like that you go to the dry cleaners, that's so nice
MJR: You like that I go there? What, didn't your ex's go there?
MJR: How did they clean their suits?
ALM: Bwhahahahahaaahahaha

Favorite meal: Beef and chicken kabobs tie with the moving picnic.

You will find as you look back upon your life that the moments when you have truly lived are the moments when you have done things in the spirit of love."- Henry Drummond

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