We went back out to Mom and Dad’s on Sunday to pick up Matt’s smoker and we got way more than we bargained for! Matt experienced his first birth! He watched a cow have a baby calf with Dad. And to top it off, it was one of my cows! Dad had a slug of them this weekend. Matt was surprised that it wasn’t as messy as he thought. He also watched the cow start mothering up right away. Here’s hoping it’ll be a good little heifer.
Matt and Mom also attempted to put together Mom’s home surround sound. We aren’t finished yet, but I will admit I thought it had good sound. It did make me laugh to see the two of them surrounded in wire and cord with multiple remotes in hand.
We finished off the night at the Ramkota at the Upper Midwest Aviation Symposium’s Icebreaker. They had a large room filled with people who understood GIS, Airbus, and ramp terms. My biggest fear while in attendance with Matt is I will mix FFA and FAA up!
My car did get broken into while parked at the hotel during the conference. I was pretty riled up, I’ll be honest. They only took the change out of my console and the light/ceiling out of my trunk. Other damage includes my faith in the community/my surroundings. I bought a thing of pepper spray awhile back, haven’t been carrying it around yet. I’ll admit that this silly little thing may have put me over the edge. And I realize that having pepper spray wouldn’t have stopped this crime.
Highlight of this week so far, by far, was the banquet. Met some more great people, so many that I met at the conference say such good things about Matt! And then it got
So that was great…and then it got better…We won 2 round-trip tickets to anywhere Continental US from Delta! We’ve thrown out a few ideas, Washington DC, New York, Boston, L.A., Disney World….I’m excited!
Best Meal: Banquet dinner, with Prime Rib, mashed potatoes, and steamed vegetables.
Man is always more than he can know of himself; consequently, his accomplishments, time and again, will come as a surprise to him.” – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
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