I also got back to my 4-h roots…I judged (for the second year) some of the static projects. I was in charge of animal science. I have never looked at so many eggs, how do you judge eggs? It’s over and I faked it well. I am amazed at how the internet has changed how kids do their 4-h projects. I remember having things be more work to track down info and resources, now they just rip things from the internet! Wow!
Mel and I got a bit of golfing in this week. We are getting better. I realized I’m not too far out from my Kansas visit and I hope to improve my swing and distance by then. I’m going to go with Aunt Wendy, hopefully I can play on the top of my game!
I also spent a little time with the family, Aunt Descie had a summer picnic to celebrate Kemma and Carstyn’s birthdays. It’s amazing to remember how far these kids have come. They are pretty adorable and have really developed their personalities! It was good see all. I did have to follow Descie and Aunt Janie around and watch them pull plants. They just make me giggle. Janie wanted so many plants but I am curious where she’s going to put them in her yard! I guess I’ll see at the end of the month! Ha!
This summer has been wonderful, I’ve been busy but I’ve been laughing. I seem to have hit a little rut for some reason, not quite sure what brought that on but I know it’s a phase and I’ll pass through it. There is so much happening, I do think I need to work on a few home projects. There are some big things coming up in the next little bit! We’ll see how things move and shake out!
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