What a busy weekend…okay busy past two weeks. It feels like the rummage sale weekend was for-e-ver ago!
Moline went well. I met some incredible women that have been involved in community and economic development for years and have such personality. Julie and I took a walk downtown, enjoyed a local brewery, and peeked around. Moline is part of the quad cities(like the song Train that I remember from 8th grade) but it’s real claim to fame is John Deere. We took a walk down to the pavilion and I sat on the 500,000 combine made….I couldn’t crawl up into and see it but Dad said if I really wanted to see what it looked like he’d take me to RDO.
The flying was very interesting both ways. We cut getting on our planes really tight because of weather problems and such. However coming back, I had the worst decent of my life, I actually got queasy and thought I was going to puke. Turns out the weather was turning for the worst in MN and ND, that was the night that 20 tornadoes touched down all over. No wonder the air wasn’t conducive to flying.
When I got back I decided to stay home for a couple days and spend it with the family. There are some big changes happening out there and the first one that I wanted to see was Mom’s house…it looks so nice and if I didn’t know what she went through to get it I would be super jealous. I even got to see her new porch landing before she did…It look nice! The sad thing that I thought of was how it’s going to change first day of school pictures!
It was nice to spend a little time with them…in fact for Father’s Day, we went to Medora. We hadn’t been there as a family since 1993 or 4! We took in a little Johnny Holmes and strolled around a bit to see the ND Cowboy Hall of Fame, a few (as Dad would call them: Crap) shops, and even had a little ice cream! It was nice to wander and relax! We even took a family picture…
This past week I have not been home for much but to sleep! Busy running, golfing, and some appointments….I think TonyDanza and Lola are plotting how to trap me. The weekend was no different, I was excited to have Tiffy come and do a quick breeze through as she was making appearances in Medora and at the Dickinson Roughrider days! Where and how she keeps all that energy…I’ll never know!
On Saturday, Aubrey and I took off to stay with Candy during McQuade’s Charity Softball tournament. Those girls make me laugh! I don’t think we were in Bismarck for more than 24 hours, but we made the most out of it! We dressed up, went to Fiesta Villa, Elbow Room, and finished the night off at Bucks….Those girls know how to keep me moving and smiling! The next day we woke up early and took in a few games and a bit too much sun. I’m a little red! Awww….Memories!

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