So a look back of 2010 in Reader’s Digest terms….
I got a trash compactor.
I went to Guatemala.
Mel (and Dudley) moved in.
I used my snowblower, too much.
I went to Deadwood.
I started a wishlist of things I wanted to do sometime.
I played golf a bit.
I went to Kansas and saw family.
I learned how to use my lawn mower.
I tried to learn how to use my leaf blower….it didn’t suck, literally.
I got new flooring, still loving it.
I celebrated my golden birthday in style.
I got new furniture in the living room.
I got strep throat for the first time.
I was on the radio.
I spoke on a Women’s Panel.
I completed my grant review, which totaled closer to 50 sheets of paper.
I had ink done…twice.
I performed faux-plumbing efforts.
I tried to date.
I waited.
I volunteered.
I Yp’d on the local level and on the state level, I was elected to the state board.
I had a Scentsy Party, I became a Scentsy distributor.
I got new tires on my car, I blew out a tire, and I got another new tire.
I celebrated milestones with my family…Mom and Dad’s 30th and Alaina’s 18th, and Grandma and Grandpa’s 60th.
I went gun shooting and loved it…I want to start developing that hobby.
I went to Moline.
I sat on TWO brand new combines, one was at the JD museum, one was Dad's.
I went to a couple weddings and even was a bridesmaid in one.
Janice made me laugh, a lot.
I wakeboarded and got up.
I was busy at work with events like Community Field Day, Ladies Night Out, and Leadership Dickinson.
I celebrated my Saturday and Sunday mornings with Lola and TonyDanza.
I took a class.
I cheered for Tiffany, one of my best friends, a Rodeo Queen.
I started a writing project, I have stalled with a writing project.
I ate pizza.
I celebrated like a rockstar, whenever I could.
My most used word on facebook was “don’t” but I didn’t take it negatively.
I met a Tibetan girl and saw a Tibetan Monk creating a healing and purity mandala.
I was dubbed a princess.
My second most used word on facebook was “know” considering that my first word was “don’t” I’m not surprised.
I fell more in love with pie.
I watched reality tv.
Sat around a campfire, started a campfire with a Victoria’s Secret magazine.
I slept on a boat.
Taught Mel how to use the snowblower, the dishwasher, and the golf ball washer.
Taught my mother and my 72 year old aunt how to use Facebook.
I drank wine.
Heard great quotes from all sorts of people.
Became acquainted with a drain/sewer CEO.
Went to Fargo, Minot, and Bismarck.
Most importantly I realized how rich I am with friends and families. This year has been made possible by the amazing people that are in my life. I know that next year has a lot to offer and I hope the possibilities lead me to great opportunities. The best part is knowing that I will be surrounded by these people that continue to make me smile and support me.
For auld lang syne, my dear,
For auld lang syne.
We'll take a cup o' kindness yet,
For auld lang syne.
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Monday, December 27, 2010
I'll Be Home For Christmas!
For the first day of Christmas, I spent it with the Dagman’s. We were at Grace’s and had an almost full house. A few of the “regulars” were missing but that didn’t stop the laughter or the alcohol from being passed around! The only thing that could have gone better was my Kemma crown. Mom got me a crown so that Kemma would remember me as the princess; however, Kemma called her bluff and said it was a birthday party hat. She also took my camera and took a ton of “Kemma-vision” pics, including ones of Dad’s elbows!

For the second day of Christmas, we spent it just the four of us at home! I love our tradition of opening presents, fondue-ing, and relaxing in the afternoon. We did have a party crasher, Uncle Harry came later that night as he was a Christmas-orphan with Lisa and Kayla taking a trip abroad.

For the third day of Christmas, we had the Moser’s out to Mom’s house. It was weird as it was a small group, only nine people, Way different from the Moser Christmases in the past! We played Whoonu in the afternoon.
The day didn’t end so positively tho…I ended up blowing out a tire just a mile out of Dickinson. At least I was close enough but it still made me sad!
I got some great presents from my friends and family….I got so many things on my list! But I really enjoyed the time to laugh and relax with family. I did get Dudley a special present from TonyDanza and Lola…I’m not too sure he likes it though!
For the second day of Christmas, we spent it just the four of us at home! I love our tradition of opening presents, fondue-ing, and relaxing in the afternoon. We did have a party crasher, Uncle Harry came later that night as he was a Christmas-orphan with Lisa and Kayla taking a trip abroad.
For the third day of Christmas, we had the Moser’s out to Mom’s house. It was weird as it was a small group, only nine people, Way different from the Moser Christmases in the past! We played Whoonu in the afternoon.
The day didn’t end so positively tho…I ended up blowing out a tire just a mile out of Dickinson. At least I was close enough but it still made me sad!
I got some great presents from my friends and family….I got so many things on my list! But I really enjoyed the time to laugh and relax with family. I did get Dudley a special present from TonyDanza and Lola…I’m not too sure he likes it though!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Amanda's Holiday List
-a little handgun
-a golf caddy (roll cart)
-reebox easytone shoes
-Itune cards
-frame for Guatemalan gunrange souvenir
-cute boots
-emergency car kit
-Movie: Despicable Me
-cordless screwdriver
-Airhockey table
-Yoga classes
-Cribbage Board
-a golf caddy (roll cart)
-reebox easytone shoes
-Itune cards
-frame for Guatemalan gunrange souvenir
-cute boots
-emergency car kit
-Movie: Despicable Me
-cordless screwdriver
-Airhockey table
-Yoga classes
-Cribbage Board
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Less Than 12 Days Till Christmas (or the New Year)
Well some of the presents are wrapped and we are in the home stretch now for the holidays. I know next weekend will be busy. Christmas Eve is spent with the Dagmans at Grace’s house. Christmas Day is at Mom and Dad’s to open presents, fondue, and relax and Christmas with the Mosers will be on December 26 at Mom’s house. Mel has left for a bit to visit a friend until Christmas. The house will feel a bit lonely for awhile without her and Dudley.
This week, I finished my class on Interpersonal Communication. I had an amazing professor that I really enjoyed. I am anticipating a good grade and hope that she enjoyed my final that I had to write on Conflict Management. I decided to put it into a working example, so I explained a relationship between me and a dragon in conflict terms. I won’t be taking a class this coming semester as I’m not sure what’s going to happen with my grant and my workload.
This week was also the DYP Holiday Party. We had a great turn out…30 people. We had Scott Wild with the Wild Trivia Tour. I didn’t win but I had a pretty good team and we didn’t do too shabby!
I’m a bit worried about Lola….she has had a limp for the past couple days. It’s been hard to get her to day down and stay off of it. It reminds me of when she little and was declawed. Her hobbling around could just break my heart.
Nothing much else is happening in my life. Wish I had some big news!
This week, I finished my class on Interpersonal Communication. I had an amazing professor that I really enjoyed. I am anticipating a good grade and hope that she enjoyed my final that I had to write on Conflict Management. I decided to put it into a working example, so I explained a relationship between me and a dragon in conflict terms. I won’t be taking a class this coming semester as I’m not sure what’s going to happen with my grant and my workload.
This week was also the DYP Holiday Party. We had a great turn out…30 people. We had Scott Wild with the Wild Trivia Tour. I didn’t win but I had a pretty good team and we didn’t do too shabby!
I’m a bit worried about Lola….she has had a limp for the past couple days. It’s been hard to get her to day down and stay off of it. It reminds me of when she little and was declawed. Her hobbling around could just break my heart.
Nothing much else is happening in my life. Wish I had some big news!
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Pre-holiday Potpourri
December is creeping by. I can’t believe it! I don’t know if I’m 100% ready for the holidays, I have much to be thankful for and to celebrate but I still have things to do…I guess that’s what weekends are for! Ha!
I’ve been pretty busy over the past couple weeks….I attended
the Parade of Lights with Kiera and Mel. I loved that it was a backwards parade….we drove by and they came to our car! Ha! We also had a girls game night where we ate appetizers and hit up Taboo and Pictionary! I have to admit that Mel’s “dragon” drawing is on our fridge, just to bring a laugh!
After recuperating from Ladies Night Out, work has kinda slowed down, mostly it’s a game of catch up. We had done some intensive work with focus groups during October and November, so we are closing these up now and getting the report off to the Bush Foundation. I also have worked with Leadership Dickinson more lately. Suzi, who I met through DYP, has been coordinating the program and I have been a sounding board and a support system. Suzi has been volunteering a majority of her time and I have enjoyed working closely with her. I did nominate her for the Governor’s Choice Awards for the Volunteer of the Year awards, but she had some pretty stiff competition.
I know my mother reads this blog and I think she should skip this paragraph as I know she doesn’t want to hear it….I signed up to become a Scentsy consultant. For those that don’t know what Scentsy is…it’s a wickless soy candle that melts to emits a wonderful scent and there are a ton of scents to chose from. There is no flame, so it’s not a fire hazard. I’ve been using the product for a year and love it. I don’t plan to sell it the same way I sold Pampered Chef but I know I will use it. I like to do new things…what can I say!
I made a trip to Fargo this past weekend and spent some time with Janice and Jerry. I am continually reminded about the importance of family and am glad for the laughs that she continues to give me. We had in-depth conversations about Jerry’s snow-birding, Lady GaGa, the upcoming holiday, and her decorating skills!
This weekend I might bake a bit, have my computer worked on, work on Dad’s promo material for the spring sale of bulls, and finish wrapping presents…it always helps to have a list!
I’ve been pretty busy over the past couple weeks….I attended
After recuperating from Ladies Night Out, work has kinda slowed down, mostly it’s a game of catch up. We had done some intensive work with focus groups during October and November, so we are closing these up now and getting the report off to the Bush Foundation. I also have worked with Leadership Dickinson more lately. Suzi, who I met through DYP, has been coordinating the program and I have been a sounding board and a support system. Suzi has been volunteering a majority of her time and I have enjoyed working closely with her. I did nominate her for the Governor’s Choice Awards for the Volunteer of the Year awards, but she had some pretty stiff competition.
I know my mother reads this blog and I think she should skip this paragraph as I know she doesn’t want to hear it….I signed up to become a Scentsy consultant. For those that don’t know what Scentsy is…it’s a wickless soy candle that melts to emits a wonderful scent and there are a ton of scents to chose from. There is no flame, so it’s not a fire hazard. I’ve been using the product for a year and love it. I don’t plan to sell it the same way I sold Pampered Chef but I know I will use it. I like to do new things…what can I say!
I made a trip to Fargo this past weekend and spent some time with Janice and Jerry. I am continually reminded about the importance of family and am glad for the laughs that she continues to give me. We had in-depth conversations about Jerry’s snow-birding, Lady GaGa, the upcoming holiday, and her decorating skills!
This weekend I might bake a bit, have my computer worked on, work on Dad’s promo material for the spring sale of bulls, and finish wrapping presents…it always helps to have a list!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Thanksgiving and Hanukkah...Great Family and Friends!
Well after a few more inches of white stuff, we are getting closer to the
holiday season. Thanksgiving was very laid back and nice. Mom served a wonderful dinner to our family and Grace’s. Afterwards we played a few games including Farkle where Mom had amazing beginner’s luck. We also played Whoonu…it was a great time to relax with family.
We also took in time with Dad’s side at Kate’s wedding on the following Saturday. It was nice to see Wendy’s and Hope’s families, we won’t get to see them for quite a while now!
The only problem I had with the week was my car’s heat gave out. There were some cold drives back and forth from Bismarck! It’s been nice now to have a hot car to get into!
This past week has been busy…We had Ladies Night Out on Tuesday. This event was created to help promote the idea of shop local. Businesses stay open late and offer a special, therefore giving the opportunity to showcase their store and support the community effort. This is the second year we’ve had this event. Our first year, we had 300 shoppers. This year we had over 450. It was a great event and we had a lot of positive feedback!
On Thursday, I hosted a Hanukkah Party with my friend Brian.
We decided to hold this party as a great excuse to get friends together and enjoy each other’s company before everyone got swept away by the holiday season. I’m reminded by what great friends I have!
Today, I even spent a little bit of time decorating the house with holidays things! Mel even hoped to start thinking of New Year’s Eve plans. I guess you can say it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.

We also took in time with Dad’s side at Kate’s wedding on the following Saturday. It was nice to see Wendy’s and Hope’s families, we won’t get to see them for quite a while now!
The only problem I had with the week was my car’s heat gave out. There were some cold drives back and forth from Bismarck! It’s been nice now to have a hot car to get into!
This past week has been busy…We had Ladies Night Out on Tuesday. This event was created to help promote the idea of shop local. Businesses stay open late and offer a special, therefore giving the opportunity to showcase their store and support the community effort. This is the second year we’ve had this event. Our first year, we had 300 shoppers. This year we had over 450. It was a great event and we had a lot of positive feedback!
On Thursday, I hosted a Hanukkah Party with my friend Brian.

Today, I even spent a little bit of time decorating the house with holidays things! Mel even hoped to start thinking of New Year’s Eve plans. I guess you can say it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas.
Monday, November 22, 2010
White Woes be Gone!
This past weekend I spent some time with Aunt Janice. It was great to see her but makes me realize how important my family is. I have a great family that is a cross of the tv show Parenthood and the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I wouldn’t change them out as they’ve been there for me during some pretty big times. In fact one of the newest additions to the family may have won my heart. When I was
in Beulah for a friend’s wedding, I changed clothes at Randy and Denise’s house. Well Kemma saw me in my bridesmaid dress and thought I was a princess. When I asked Ambour, her mother about it, she said that Kemma talked about the “Princess” for about 2 weeks! Ha! I knew that girl was ahead of her time. Am is curious how she will be with me at Christmas, I am thinking about wearing my bridesmaid dress just to make her day…afterall don’t they always say you can wear those dresses again?
Ladies Night Out is coming up next week and we are in the final stretch for details including getting the map set and stuffing the stockings. We hope to have a ton of shoppers but I’m a little concerned as the “Banana Belt” of ND got dumped on this past weekend. I hate snow. The only thing that will get me through this winter is that I have a snowblower and an electric car starter. Now that I think about it, that’s the only thing that got me through the last winter. Ugh!
This week is Thanksgiving, I plan to go to Mom and Dad’s house to help them. Will be pretty quiet and low-key. From the last I heard we won’t even have a turkey…WHAT!
I talked with Tiffany the other day, she’s getting ready to go to Las Vegas and compete at a National Level for Miss Rodeo America. I wish her the best of luck and only wish more that I could be there to watch her compete. I had every intention of attending but life happened and I just can’t get away. So instead of being cool in Las Vegas, I’m being cool and having a Hanukkah Party. No, I’m not Jewish but I can appreciate another tradition and have a little fun. The party started because I hadn’t been able to get together with a group of friends that I regularly see and the only day we could schedule was Dec 2—Hanukkah. So why not make it more festive?
I’ll keep you posted…but it gives me something to look forward to. The other party I’m having is a Scentsy party. Scentsy is a wickless soy candle that has great scents and is safe. I figured it would be perfect before the holidays. If you'd like to order or know more...let me know.
With the snow covering everything, I realize that the holiday season is upon us. I have some gifts in mind but think that this holiday will sneak up on me. I think I need to get my Wishlist up on the blog. However, in December, I’m looking forward to spending some time relaxing with Mom and Dad. I think now is a perfect time to starting thinking about things and planning and dreaming!

Ladies Night Out is coming up next week and we are in the final stretch for details including getting the map set and stuffing the stockings. We hope to have a ton of shoppers but I’m a little concerned as the “Banana Belt” of ND got dumped on this past weekend. I hate snow. The only thing that will get me through this winter is that I have a snowblower and an electric car starter. Now that I think about it, that’s the only thing that got me through the last winter. Ugh!
This week is Thanksgiving, I plan to go to Mom and Dad’s house to help them. Will be pretty quiet and low-key. From the last I heard we won’t even have a turkey…WHAT!
I talked with Tiffany the other day, she’s getting ready to go to Las Vegas and compete at a National Level for Miss Rodeo America. I wish her the best of luck and only wish more that I could be there to watch her compete. I had every intention of attending but life happened and I just can’t get away. So instead of being cool in Las Vegas, I’m being cool and having a Hanukkah Party. No, I’m not Jewish but I can appreciate another tradition and have a little fun. The party started because I hadn’t been able to get together with a group of friends that I regularly see and the only day we could schedule was Dec 2—Hanukkah. So why not make it more festive?
I’ll keep you posted…but it gives me something to look forward to. The other party I’m having is a Scentsy party. Scentsy is a wickless soy candle that has great scents and is safe. I figured it would be perfect before the holidays. If you'd like to order or know more...let me know.
With the snow covering everything, I realize that the holiday season is upon us. I have some gifts in mind but think that this holiday will sneak up on me. I think I need to get my Wishlist up on the blog. However, in December, I’m looking forward to spending some time relaxing with Mom and Dad. I think now is a perfect time to starting thinking about things and planning and dreaming!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
I Hate that it Gets Dark at 3:30pm. Boo.
The days are getting shorter and a bit colder. Hard to believe we are looking at the front side of the holiday season. At work we’ve been planning Ladies Night Out. It’s a downtown shop local campaign that supports Dickinson businesses. Last year when we started the event, I had hoped for 100 shoppers but was surprised that we ran out of stockings after giving out 300. This year I hope to get a least that, but would love to see 500! We’ve got almost 40 businesses involved! It’s fun to see the event start to come together!
On Thursday it was Veteran’s Day and I spent it in Bismarck doing some errands but I also got to spend some time with the family. Can’t believe I haven’t hardly seen them in months! Alaina is getting ready to go to Denver in January to represent ND at national horse judging. Her and mom are going and spending a few days. I’m excited for her as she gets to ride on an airplane and experience another piece of the world. Dad is combining corn with his fancy new combine. I believe I will actually get to spend some time with them on Thanksgiving! Hooray!
This past weekend, I had a friend from Minot come down, Scott. We spent a little time out on Friday night but on Saturday took in the craft show and then I teamed up with Aubrey and he teamed up with Ryan for a little friendly competition of taboo. What a hoot! I got to admit that even though the girl team started off strong but we lost at the end of the night by 6 points.
This next week I’ll make a trip to Fargo to see Janie. The week after is Thanksgiving and Cousin Kate’s wedding. Then Ladies Night Out and then possibly a trip to Fargo with the girls to blow off some steam! There are some things to look forward to!
On Thursday it was Veteran’s Day and I spent it in Bismarck doing some errands but I also got to spend some time with the family. Can’t believe I haven’t hardly seen them in months! Alaina is getting ready to go to Denver in January to represent ND at national horse judging. Her and mom are going and spending a few days. I’m excited for her as she gets to ride on an airplane and experience another piece of the world. Dad is combining corn with his fancy new combine. I believe I will actually get to spend some time with them on Thanksgiving! Hooray!
This past weekend, I had a friend from Minot come down, Scott. We spent a little time out on Friday night but on Saturday took in the craft show and then I teamed up with Aubrey and he teamed up with Ryan for a little friendly competition of taboo. What a hoot! I got to admit that even though the girl team started off strong but we lost at the end of the night by 6 points.
This next week I’ll make a trip to Fargo to see Janie. The week after is Thanksgiving and Cousin Kate’s wedding. Then Ladies Night Out and then possibly a trip to Fargo with the girls to blow off some steam! There are some things to look forward to!
Monday, November 1, 2010
Guest List?
My unofficial visitor list from last night…
2 witches
Luigi (without Mario)
Dee jay
This was WAY better than last year. However I still have 5 milk dud that I’d like to find homes for. I don’t like them and they are chocolate…ugh!
2 witches
Luigi (without Mario)
Dee jay
This was WAY better than last year. However I still have 5 milk dud that I’d like to find homes for. I don’t like them and they are chocolate…ugh!
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wedding, White stuff, and HalloWWWeen!
Hello, I’m Amanda and I’ve been a bad blogger!
Last weekend, I participated in Ashley and Jesse’s wedding. The wedding was in Hazen and the reception was in Beulah. She put so much time and planning into her wedding and it turned out so well. But my favorite part is that I was there the night that they first met…and I pulled Jesse aside and asked him if he was giving her the run-around because if he wasn’t interested in her, then he should just take a hike! He looked at me with all seriousness and said that he was interested and he wasn’t leading her on. I did have to thank him at the wedding for keeping his promise. And to top it off, I have to admit that it was one of the best bridesmaid’s dresses I’ve worn. It fit well and didn’t need to be constantly adjusted, that’s impressive!
We got snow this week…..ugh. I’m not ready for winter….not at all. In fact, I through a fit about the whole thing. I’m not ready for snow blowers, shovels, coats, mittens, snow, and wet. Let’s hope that this year Janice may be right about Dickinson and snow.
I didn’t do anything for Halloween this year…well I did take Dudley to the office trick-or-treating. He hates getting dressed up in shirts and sweatshirts; however, when he is a dragon he hates it even more! However, it makes me (and the cats) laugh!

We got snow this week…..ugh. I’m not ready for winter….not at all. In fact, I through a fit about the whole thing. I’m not ready for snow blowers, shovels, coats, mittens, snow, and wet. Let’s hope that this year Janice may be right about Dickinson and snow.

Sunday, October 17, 2010
Field Days and Fun Days
Well, the nights are getting colder and the days are shorter. I’m not ready for my third winter in Dickinson. I will admit I’m better equipped, I know what shovel to use, have my snow blower, got my car starter and block heater….but that doesn’t mean that I’m ready for the cold and the snow and the ice….yuck.
The second Community Field Day is over! We had just under 60 people present and a phenomenal speaker serve as the keynote. Kim Huston, author of “Small Town Sexy: The Allure of Living in Small Town America” came from Bardstown, Kentucky to present. We had a women’s social the night before Community Field Day. We had a great turn out with 31 women, 3 states, and 13 communities present. The next day, we had 10 communities and 4 states present. We had some great feedback from the event and even had representation from the Bush Foundation present. Kim also did a great job and signed my copy of her book.
Work has been picking up as we are finishing up Community Field Day activities, but also starting Ladies Night Out. This is a rediscover downtown Dickinson shopping celebration. Last year we had hoped for 100 shoppers and 20 stores…what we got was 300 shoppers and almost 30 stores! This year there is already an additional buzz about the event. I’m hoping that we get 300-350 shoppers and have at least 25 stores confirmed and committed.
Last weekend I had Ashley’s bachelorette party. It seems like yesterday that we were living across the hall from each other and TonyDanza was running across the hall to play with her cat. We were both single and figuring out what we wanted. Next weekend is her wedding. I’m a bridesmaid and I know she’ll make a beautiful bride. My official date is Tiffany. I’m so excited to spend some quality time with her. She’s also so straight with me…I know I over-think things but she always reminds me to simplify and stay grounded.
Work has been picking up as we are finishing up Community Field Day activities, but also starting Ladies Night Out. This is a rediscover downtown Dickinson shopping celebration. Last year we had hoped for 100 shoppers and 20 stores…what we got was 300 shoppers and almost 30 stores! This year there is already an additional buzz about the event. I’m hoping that we get 300-350 shoppers and have at least 25 stores confirmed and committed.
Last weekend I had Ashley’s bachelorette party. It seems like yesterday that we were living across the hall from each other and TonyDanza was running across the hall to play with her cat. We were both single and figuring out what we wanted. Next weekend is her wedding. I’m a bridesmaid and I know she’ll make a beautiful bride. My official date is Tiffany. I’m so excited to spend some quality time with her. She’s also so straight with me…I know I over-think things but she always reminds me to simplify and stay grounded.
I made it home and spent a day with the family. I got to look at Alaina’s senior pictures. They have so many to chose from…it will be interesting to see what they comes out when they make their final decision. The other show and tell that happened was Dad’s brand new combine. It’s like Christmas in October. Dad got a 9600 with more bells and whistles than I’ve seen…it even has a trap door and a special seat…the only thing it doesn’t have is a cd player! I don’t think either of us will miss the 2 little combines!

Paul and I decided to just be friends, it works better. Relationships aren’t easy and it’s work to find that one-in-a-million. I’ll just keep looking, I just know that it’s a harder feat right now sitting in the middle of the oil patch.
Another bit of work that I’ve been chiseling away at is the basement. Mel finally got all of her things in the basement and we have been covered in boxes and piles since she moved in, and that way May. A couple weekends ago, I had a break-through and this weekend we even saw a climax. We actually saw floor and could unroll some carpet squares. I would even call the basement livable! Ha! I’m proud of what we all accomplished.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
100 posts and a golden birthday-It's all a learning process.
This is the 100th blog. A lot has happened since Jan 1, 2009 when I started this blog. A lot of things have changed, my age, my roommate, furniture, flooring, walls…the list goes on but the biggest change is my mindset. We all go through these waves of past, present, and future and trying to smash them all together can be hard and dangerous. 

My golden birthday was this past week. I spent it with my mother, Aunt Janice, and 2 of the greatest friends a girl could have. These people have seen me at my best and accepted me at my worst. It was a great weekend filled with a ton of laughs. I also appreciate those that wished me well and thought of me. I am blessed to have a great support structure, my own personal army.
Things I have learned since I started the blog:
1. Things happen without you watching
2. It snows in Dickinson
3. Little things can make a big deal
4. You build the relationships you need then you build the ones you want
5. Sometimes the past should stay in the past
6. Living on the corner lot isn’t a walk in the park
7. Looking for passion isn’t easy and if you don’t try things, you won’t know
8. Live in the moment (I’m still working at application)
9. I’m a cat person
10. Leadership can be hard
11. The world is a huge place that I want to see a little bit at a time
12. You have the ability to raise people, if you want to by just giving a little more than expected.
2. It snows in Dickinson
3. Little things can make a big deal
4. You build the relationships you need then you build the ones you want
5. Sometimes the past should stay in the past
6. Living on the corner lot isn’t a walk in the park
7. Looking for passion isn’t easy and if you don’t try things, you won’t know
8. Live in the moment (I’m still working at application)
9. I’m a cat person
10. Leadership can be hard
11. The world is a huge place that I want to see a little bit at a time
12. You have the ability to raise people, if you want to by just giving a little more than expected.
I have three years before my thirtieth birthday. I plan on shaking some things up in my life. I’m not sure where and how right now but it will come together, one day at a time. I’ll work on crossing more of my wishhope list and working towards my happiness.
Happy Golden Birthday to Me. Thank you to those that have impacted me life.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Idle hands...OR No rest for the...Either way, I'm Busy! :)
September is flying by.
The past couple weeks have been filled with Labor Day Weekend fun: including having Paul do some home repairs for me, sitting in a combine—separating grain and hay, spent a day in Bismarck—where I got to fill up on Olive Garden (*sigh) and we searched for the perfect toolbelt for Paul!

I spent a few hours in Dad's combines. It will be the last time I
drive them as he's upgrading. He's had these two machines, or at least one of them, since I can remember. It felt good to finish up the oats. I just hate that I have to come home and show him up and finish things for him! Ha ...I know I can write as he probably doesn't read the blog! OR ...I just gave him incentive to!
The past week has been crazy busy at work. We have so many projects started right now Community Field Day, Women’s Community Development Social, Ladies Night Out Downtown Shopping Celebration, Leadership Dickinson, Young Professionals Network, and other community work. Julie and I have been feeling like we are knee deep in 14 different projects but not sure where we are going. We have also taken a consulting role with the Bush Foundation to have listening groups in SW ND….I’m looking forward to accomplishing some of these big projects!
We actually had our first experience with Leadership Dickinson Students last Wednesday. The class has 10 students and we anticipate it to be a good year. We took the group to the Medora High Ropes Course and then I gave a presentation on the platinum rules personality styles. Next month, the theme is agriculture. We are having Uncle Wade come speak about his time with Stockmen’s Association, tying all the ag day all together, and how to become a leader in your field.
We also had the second annual Dickinson Young Professionals Banquet this past weekend. We
met my goal of 35 people and had Nicole Morrison-Mathern speak about PEARL (Passion-Education-Awesomeness-Resilience-Love). It felt great to give the president’s report and emceed the event. It feels good to finish the year out. I feel like we’ve accomplished a lot in a year and I know I owe a great deal to a great team that has been able to commit their time and talent to the network. We’ve put together a newsletter, a p&p manual, a strategic plan, an executive exchange, a great showing at the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit, creating a Wisdom Team, and holding multiple successful events.
This coming weekend I’ll make a trip make to Minot. I haven’t been there in a long time. I feel like I’ve come a long way since my college days! We’ll see how it goes to meet with some old friends and see the community.
I’m also looking forward to the end of September. For my birthday, Sheri, Mel, my mother, and I are going to Fargo, where Aunt Janice will join us for a little birthday fun and giggling! I’m excited. What a great crowd…I know it will be an awesome time. We are already building our list of trip to do’s! Watch for future photo’s including a pile of can’s, a highline bridge, a winery, and maybe a pool picture!
Mel and I are also planning a getaway to Vegas. We want to leave in December and maybe catch a show, walk the strip. Mel has never been to Vegas and I’d like to try to support Tif as she will be vying for Miss Rodeo America. Mom will also be down there, just like last year, so it will be great to spend time with the 2 of them! I am excited that it worked out so well.
As summer closes, I hate to say goodbye to the feeling, the memories, and the sun. The days are getting shorter and the nights colder. It’s hard to believe that I’m approaching my third winter in Dickinson. Fingers crossed that the snow doesn’t cover me up!
The past couple weeks have been filled with Labor Day Weekend fun: including having Paul do some home repairs for me, sitting in a combine—separating grain and hay, spent a day in Bismarck—where I got to fill up on Olive Garden (*sigh) and we searched for the perfect toolbelt for Paul!
I spent a few hours in Dad's combines. It will be the last time I
The past week has been crazy busy at work. We have so many projects started right now Community Field Day, Women’s Community Development Social, Ladies Night Out Downtown Shopping Celebration, Leadership Dickinson, Young Professionals Network, and other community work. Julie and I have been feeling like we are knee deep in 14 different projects but not sure where we are going. We have also taken a consulting role with the Bush Foundation to have listening groups in SW ND….I’m looking forward to accomplishing some of these big projects!
We actually had our first experience with Leadership Dickinson Students last Wednesday. The class has 10 students and we anticipate it to be a good year. We took the group to the Medora High Ropes Course and then I gave a presentation on the platinum rules personality styles. Next month, the theme is agriculture. We are having Uncle Wade come speak about his time with Stockmen’s Association, tying all the ag day all together, and how to become a leader in your field.
We also had the second annual Dickinson Young Professionals Banquet this past weekend. We
This coming weekend I’ll make a trip make to Minot. I haven’t been there in a long time. I feel like I’ve come a long way since my college days! We’ll see how it goes to meet with some old friends and see the community.
I’m also looking forward to the end of September. For my birthday, Sheri, Mel, my mother, and I are going to Fargo, where Aunt Janice will join us for a little birthday fun and giggling! I’m excited. What a great crowd…I know it will be an awesome time. We are already building our list of trip to do’s! Watch for future photo’s including a pile of can’s, a highline bridge, a winery, and maybe a pool picture!
Mel and I are also planning a getaway to Vegas. We want to leave in December and maybe catch a show, walk the strip. Mel has never been to Vegas and I’d like to try to support Tif as she will be vying for Miss Rodeo America. Mom will also be down there, just like last year, so it will be great to spend time with the 2 of them! I am excited that it worked out so well.
As summer closes, I hate to say goodbye to the feeling, the memories, and the sun. The days are getting shorter and the nights colder. It’s hard to believe that I’m approaching my third winter in Dickinson. Fingers crossed that the snow doesn’t cover me up!
Monday, August 23, 2010
A Little Less Talk About All My Actions!
I’m so looking forward to a long weekend…I just need to get to labor day!
This week I played some catch up, around work and the house.
Here’s the reader’s digest version of my week:
Monday: cleaned my shower
Tuesday: Dickinson State University’s President’s Social
Wednesday: Dickinson Dakota Speedway Races with Paul
Thursday: Stress Management YP Power Lunch
Friday: YP Finally Friday Social at Pizza Ranch, Movie UP with the A Rating scale of 3 stars
Saturday: Grandma and Grandpa’s 60th anniversary dinner (I love the pic on the right...that's how I see them in my mind!)
Sunday: put up a child gate in my bedroom to keep Dudley out and give Lola and TD a safe haven. The relationship isn’t progressing very quickly.

Next weekend: I’m being cast in the role of farmer’s daughter. We’ll see how well I remember how to run a combine!
This week I played some catch up, around work and the house.
Here’s the reader’s digest version of my week:
Monday: cleaned my shower
Tuesday: Dickinson State University’s President’s Social
Wednesday: Dickinson Dakota Speedway Races with Paul
Thursday: Stress Management YP Power Lunch
Friday: YP Finally Friday Social at Pizza Ranch, Movie UP with the A Rating scale of 3 stars
Saturday: Grandma and Grandpa’s 60th anniversary dinner (I love the pic on the right...that's how I see them in my mind!)
Sunday: put up a child gate in my bedroom to keep Dudley out and give Lola and TD a safe haven. The relationship isn’t progressing very quickly.
Next weekend: I’m being cast in the role of farmer’s daughter. We’ll see how well I remember how to run a combine!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Summertime...and the Livings Easy
Another busy week….I don’t mind but makes me think when summer’s over, I’m going to have to work on stuff at the house!

This week involved some more wake boarding-the bruises are coming fro
m the falls, a Kiwanis picnic-Paul came with, one of my last YP executive meetings that I lead-September will be my official last, a trip to Medora-to oversee some community work, a quick trip to Bismarck-got my hair cut and saw my mother, sister, and Tiffany, a trip to the vet-TonyDanza had an eye issue thinking it will go away with some drops and time, a quick visit from Janie and Jerry-they were passing through to go to Colorado, went out on Saturday night-Candy’s boyfriend’s band was playing at Army’s, went to comedy club in Dickinson-had never done that before, and am still working on redecorating my room-I’m changing some things up and I like it!
Another big thing that happened is I changed my facebook status. Yes, I’m in a relationship. I am amazed at all the comments and likes! I am officially introducing Paul as my boyfriend. For those that are looking for a few facts, he’s from the area, he loves to wakeboard, he’s self-employed as a home remodeler/construction with his brother, and he’s 32 with no kids. I’m not taking anything too serious right now so it’s working out for the both of us. We’ll see…I might have said it last week, but I’ll say it again this week…Que sera sera!
I did not work or visit Sturgis this year, there’ll be another time to take the “festivities” in…I’m sure about it. I had an intern opportunity present itself…but it didn’t work out and I’m okay with that.
It’s been cooler here the past couple days…I admit I’m holding on to summer with everything I’ve got. I’m not ready for the shorter days and the cooler temps. I like the heat and the activities. I’m hoping we have an Indian summer a nonexistent winter…hey a girl can dream!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Laughing My Way Thru Summer...
So this summer is keeping me a little away from the computer and my writing. That’s not a bad thing but I wouldn’t mind some down time! So now I need to play a little catch up!
Last weekend I got to spend a little time with my family! They continue to make me laugh! Had pizza and beer with my dad and played chauffeur for him to Fargo. It was nice to have some time to pick his brain on a few things.
Got to Fargo and helped Janice with her housewarming/new deck party. I am still not happy that she’s in Fargo but I know she’s loving her little yard, partying with their friends, and the cultural events. She’s coming to Dickinson this coming weekend en route to Colorado and Sturgis!

I also have been spending time on the water with the guy I’m seeing. He’s an avid wake boarder (or a wave boarder as Mel would call it) and he’s taken me out to Patterson a time or two but this past weekend he took me, Mel, and Becca out to the Big Lake to try to teach us how to. I actually got up, not before I was incredibly frustrated with myself and my abilities. I did get up and had to smile about it! However when I woke up the next morning, I wasn’t smiling so much, I was pretty sore! Oh! But I will take sore over sunburnt, I did have some pretty bad burns on my legs and chest from a boating excursion. Thank Heaven for Tiffany’s advice of vinegar. I can handle smelling terrible if I don’t have to deal with the burning!

YP has been pretty eventful, We had the women’s social and it was a huge success! We had 15 girls come with over 40 books shared and the promise of one to come in September! We also hosted an Executive Exchange with the Bismarck/Mandan YP. They brought out 5 team members and we had 95% of our team present! We had some great feedback and conversation and they are interested in doing another future exchange where we go visit them!
I also had a stop in visitor drop in….Tiffany, my favorite rodeo queen, made a quick stop to have supper with Mel and I. It was nice to catch up a little and hear how she’s doing. I have been doing some extra writing for her blog as well. I need to catch up a little there but it’s been fun to follow her in the dream that she is making come true! She’s completely refreshing to have walk in my door-full of common sense and no-nonsense!
On the pet side, Lola and TonyDanza aren’t completely mad at Mel for bringing in Dudley the intruder. They aren’t snuggling with him quite yet, but we are making progress for the most part. TonyDanza eats Dudley’s food, Dudley chases Lola (halfway because she runs, if she’d stand her ground he might not think it was all a great game), and Lola looks down on the peasant Dudley from on top of her towers (the china cabinet and the cupboards). We do think it’s funny how Dudley doesn’t want to go under the table, which has become “safebase” for the cats!
Seems hard to believe we are on the downhill slide of summer, it’s honestly been one of the most rewarding summers I’ve had, mostly filled with adventure, smiles, laughing, and deep thoughts!
Last weekend I got to spend a little time with my family! They continue to make me laugh! Had pizza and beer with my dad and played chauffeur for him to Fargo. It was nice to have some time to pick his brain on a few things.
Got to Fargo and helped Janice with her housewarming/new deck party. I am still not happy that she’s in Fargo but I know she’s loving her little yard, partying with their friends, and the cultural events. She’s coming to Dickinson this coming weekend en route to Colorado and Sturgis!
I also have been spending time on the water with the guy I’m seeing. He’s an avid wake boarder (or a wave boarder as Mel would call it) and he’s taken me out to Patterson a time or two but this past weekend he took me, Mel, and Becca out to the Big Lake to try to teach us how to. I actually got up, not before I was incredibly frustrated with myself and my abilities. I did get up and had to smile about it! However when I woke up the next morning, I wasn’t smiling so much, I was pretty sore! Oh! But I will take sore over sunburnt, I did have some pretty bad burns on my legs and chest from a boating excursion. Thank Heaven for Tiffany’s advice of vinegar. I can handle smelling terrible if I don’t have to deal with the burning!
YP has been pretty eventful, We had the women’s social and it was a huge success! We had 15 girls come with over 40 books shared and the promise of one to come in September! We also hosted an Executive Exchange with the Bismarck/Mandan YP. They brought out 5 team members and we had 95% of our team present! We had some great feedback and conversation and they are interested in doing another future exchange where we go visit them!
I also had a stop in visitor drop in….Tiffany, my favorite rodeo queen, made a quick stop to have supper with Mel and I. It was nice to catch up a little and hear how she’s doing. I have been doing some extra writing for her blog as well. I need to catch up a little there but it’s been fun to follow her in the dream that she is making come true! She’s completely refreshing to have walk in my door-full of common sense and no-nonsense!
On the pet side, Lola and TonyDanza aren’t completely mad at Mel for bringing in Dudley the intruder. They aren’t snuggling with him quite yet, but we are making progress for the most part. TonyDanza eats Dudley’s food, Dudley chases Lola (halfway because she runs, if she’d stand her ground he might not think it was all a great game), and Lola looks down on the peasant Dudley from on top of her towers (the china cabinet and the cupboards). We do think it’s funny how Dudley doesn’t want to go under the table, which has become “safebase” for the cats!
Seems hard to believe we are on the downhill slide of summer, it’s honestly been one of the most rewarding summers I’ve had, mostly filled with adventure, smiles, laughing, and deep thoughts!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
End of July...and all is well!
Another week of catching up!
I took Mel to a family wedding last weekend. We went for the reception and the dance. I laughed when she said that she found my family refreshing and was wondering if they’d adopt her. The wedding was for Wes and Kristi.
We had YP elections for the Dickinson YP this past week. I will be moving into the advisory role of past president. It has been challenging to be the president and felt relief to know that come October I will be handing the reins over to a team that holds a lot of promise. We are also starting a girls-only YP night where we will sharing books, movies, etc. We’ve had a lot of great feedback for the interest.
I’ve also been seeing a guy for a little bit. We met on July 4th but so far I’ve been enjoying his company and appreciation for reality television! Que sera sera…I’m not taking anything too serious.
I took Mel to a family wedding last weekend. We went for the reception and the dance. I laughed when she said that she found my family refreshing and was wondering if they’d adopt her. The wedding was for Wes and Kristi.
We had YP elections for the Dickinson YP this past week. I will be moving into the advisory role of past president. It has been challenging to be the president and felt relief to know that come October I will be handing the reins over to a team that holds a lot of promise. We are also starting a girls-only YP night where we will sharing books, movies, etc. We’ve had a lot of great feedback for the interest.
I’ve also been seeing a guy for a little bit. We met on July 4th but so far I’ve been enjoying his company and appreciation for reality television! Que sera sera…I’m not taking anything too serious.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
TonyDanza, I don’t think I’m in Kansas Anymore!
I struggled with the name of this post, it was that or “Surrounded by ears.....of Corn” Or “What do you mean I’m in Iowa” Or “4 Days 5 States”….needless to say…I’m back!
On facebook I posted my stats 4 days, 5 states, 1,978 miles, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, 5 cousins, 2 second cousins, 1 bag dill sunflower seeds, 1 ipod, thousands of dotted lines, millions of thoughts, and tooo much corn to count. It was a great trip.
I started it off with lunch at Schlotsky’s with Mom and Alaina. Great start! We caught up a bit and I took off for Madison to stay with Hope and Mark. I got there in just enough time to watch Coley play in the state softball tournament. It was exciting to see her be the first one to get around the bases and score the first run…she even stole second and third! Their team didn’t win but it had to go into double innings for the tie breaker. What was really cute was Hope made me a lunch complete with granola bar, ham and cheese sandwich, and fruit! I can’t remember the last time someone packed me a lunch!
The next morning I took off for Wheaton/Onaga/middle of nowhere Kansas! I got to see Tate for the first time; he’s the second of Kendra’s boys. They are pretty cute good little kids. Tucker had a little horse bucking off and was wearing a sling. I got a chance to see the horse Lisa wants Alaina to work and see the little yellow house that Harry and Lisa used to live in. I saw Kayla before she crashed after getting back from a wedding in Nebraska.
On Sunday, I drove to Salina to see Wendy and Trent. They took me golfing at their course. It was probably the nicest course I’ve been on hands down. I had a few bad swings but I got a few great hits and Trent complimented my swing. I’ll take that one everyday! It got to 100 when I was there! They also took me to the place where Adam used to serve at, it was fun to see.
Monday was drive day. I drove over 900 miles in one day…It wasn’t bad until I got to north eastern South Dakota…that is when the cabin fever got to me! I even got out in Sioux Falls and grabbed something for the road at Culvers. I had a few heavy storms that I went through between Jamestown and Bismarck, but I’m wondering if that was symbolic…afterall I got lost a few times, I went through a ton of construction, and maybe it was all appropriate!
A few health things…after 26 years I got strep for the first time. That took me by surprise. I was so glad that it cleared up before I left on the trip. The one thing that is in my head is that Grandpa Lavern was diagnosed with cancer. He’s 82 and has had a great life but that doesn’t make hearing that news any easier. He’ll be in my thoughts for awhile.
On facebook I posted my stats 4 days, 5 states, 1,978 miles, 3 aunts, 3 uncles, 5 cousins, 2 second cousins, 1 bag dill sunflower seeds, 1 ipod, thousands of dotted lines, millions of thoughts, and tooo much corn to count. It was a great trip.
I started it off with lunch at Schlotsky’s with Mom and Alaina. Great start! We caught up a bit and I took off for Madison to stay with Hope and Mark. I got there in just enough time to watch Coley play in the state softball tournament. It was exciting to see her be the first one to get around the bases and score the first run…she even stole second and third! Their team didn’t win but it had to go into double innings for the tie breaker. What was really cute was Hope made me a lunch complete with granola bar, ham and cheese sandwich, and fruit! I can’t remember the last time someone packed me a lunch!
The next morning I took off for Wheaton/Onaga/middle of nowhere Kansas! I got to see Tate for the first time; he’s the second of Kendra’s boys. They are pretty cute good little kids. Tucker had a little horse bucking off and was wearing a sling. I got a chance to see the horse Lisa wants Alaina to work and see the little yellow house that Harry and Lisa used to live in. I saw Kayla before she crashed after getting back from a wedding in Nebraska.
On Sunday, I drove to Salina to see Wendy and Trent. They took me golfing at their course. It was probably the nicest course I’ve been on hands down. I had a few bad swings but I got a few great hits and Trent complimented my swing. I’ll take that one everyday! It got to 100 when I was there! They also took me to the place where Adam used to serve at, it was fun to see.
Monday was drive day. I drove over 900 miles in one day…It wasn’t bad until I got to north eastern South Dakota…that is when the cabin fever got to me! I even got out in Sioux Falls and grabbed something for the road at Culvers. I had a few heavy storms that I went through between Jamestown and Bismarck, but I’m wondering if that was symbolic…afterall I got lost a few times, I went through a ton of construction, and maybe it was all appropriate!
A few health things…after 26 years I got strep for the first time. That took me by surprise. I was so glad that it cleared up before I left on the trip. The one thing that is in my head is that Grandpa Lavern was diagnosed with cancer. He’s 82 and has had a great life but that doesn’t make hearing that news any easier. He’ll be in my thoughts for awhile.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
KS plan, Tornado scares, NDYP opps, Floating on....
Well, I’m prepping for my personal pilgrimage to Kansas. I plan to lead Friday morning, meet mom for lunch, head to Madison and stay with Hope and Mark. The next day I will drive down to Harry and Lisa’s and stay there. On Sunday, I will drive up to Salina to stay with Wendy and Trent, maybe take in a little golfing. Then head all the way back on Monday. I’m planning on taking my camera, clubs, and a notebook to capture some of my thoughts. I’ve come a long way the past year but I know that I still have some shadows that need to be lighted up.
Yesterday we had sirens in Dickinson, kinda made me nervous, I won’t lie. Especially considering that the community just celebrated their year anniversary of conquering last year’s tornado. I found out that Dudley does NOT like storms while TD and Lola could care less. They seemed irritated that I put them in the downstairs bathroom, completely protected.
Today, I was nominated and elected for the North Dakota Young Professionals Network Secretary Position. I was nervous about it but excited too as I think it will continue to push my skills. I have a great leadership team that I get to work with so we’ll see how I grow from here.
This past weekend, Mel and I spent some time out and about. We ended up meeting a couple of guys last week and they invited us out to Patterson this week. Not exactly the lake I was expecting to see. It was an oversized pond with green floaties…good thing we had great company. We ended up sitting up on the boat all night, talking and watching shooting stars, sleeping and waking up to a glass lake with a beautiful sun. Mel and I both agreed that that was so refreshing to just laugh, not even drink, and have great conversation.
I’m constantly reminded that this summer is a summer where I get to define me and what I want. I want more. I want more sun, more laughs, more time, just plain MORE!
Yesterday we had sirens in Dickinson, kinda made me nervous, I won’t lie. Especially considering that the community just celebrated their year anniversary of conquering last year’s tornado. I found out that Dudley does NOT like storms while TD and Lola could care less. They seemed irritated that I put them in the downstairs bathroom, completely protected.
Today, I was nominated and elected for the North Dakota Young Professionals Network Secretary Position. I was nervous about it but excited too as I think it will continue to push my skills. I have a great leadership team that I get to work with so we’ll see how I grow from here.
This past weekend, Mel and I spent some time out and about. We ended up meeting a couple of guys last week and they invited us out to Patterson this week. Not exactly the lake I was expecting to see. It was an oversized pond with green floaties…good thing we had great company. We ended up sitting up on the boat all night, talking and watching shooting stars, sleeping and waking up to a glass lake with a beautiful sun. Mel and I both agreed that that was so refreshing to just laugh, not even drink, and have great conversation.
I’m constantly reminded that this summer is a summer where I get to define me and what I want. I want more. I want more sun, more laughs, more time, just plain MORE!
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Dog Days are not Over!
Can’t believe we are into July now! A couple things happened this
week including a new “roommate” moved in. Mel’s dog finally came to the house…welcome Dudley. I can tell I haven’t had a dog in for-e-ver, I forgot how dependant they are. I’m used to TonyDanza and Lola doing their own thing so it’s been weird to have someone else hanging out. The cats are not happy with him or Mel. They have gone into hiding (under the table or my bed) or have tried to demonstrate their superiority (hanging out on top of the cupboards or on top of the china cabinet). We’ll see how the “relationship” continues to grow. If anything it’s bonding the cats more!
I also got back to my 4-h roots…I judged (for the second year) some of the static projects. I was in charge of animal science. I have never looked at so many eggs, how do you judge eggs? It’s over and I faked it well. I am amazed at how the internet has changed how kids do their 4-h projects. I remember having things be more work to track down info and resources, now they just rip things from the internet! Wow!
Mel and I got a bit of golfing in this week. We are getting better. I realized I’m not too far out from my Kansas visit and I hope to improve my swing and distance by then. I’m going to go with Aunt Wendy, hopefully I can play on the top of my game!

I also spent a little time with the family, Aunt Descie had a summer picnic to celebrate Kemma and Carstyn’s birthdays. It’s amazing to remember how far these kids have come. They are pretty adorable and have really developed their personalities! It was good see all. I did have to follow Descie and Aunt Janie around and watch them pull plants. They just make me giggle. Janie wanted so many plants but I am curious where she’s going to put them in her yard! I guess I’ll see at the end of the month! Ha!

This summer has been wonderful, I’ve been busy but I’ve been laughing. I seem to have hit a little rut for some reason, not quite sure what brought that on but I know it’s a phase and I’ll pass through it. There is so much happening, I do think I need to work on a few home projects. There are some big things coming up in the next little bit! We’ll see how things move and shake out!
I also got back to my 4-h roots…I judged (for the second year) some of the static projects. I was in charge of animal science. I have never looked at so many eggs, how do you judge eggs? It’s over and I faked it well. I am amazed at how the internet has changed how kids do their 4-h projects. I remember having things be more work to track down info and resources, now they just rip things from the internet! Wow!
Mel and I got a bit of golfing in this week. We are getting better. I realized I’m not too far out from my Kansas visit and I hope to improve my swing and distance by then. I’m going to go with Aunt Wendy, hopefully I can play on the top of my game!
I also spent a little time with the family, Aunt Descie had a summer picnic to celebrate Kemma and Carstyn’s birthdays. It’s amazing to remember how far these kids have come. They are pretty adorable and have really developed their personalities! It was good see all. I did have to follow Descie and Aunt Janie around and watch them pull plants. They just make me giggle. Janie wanted so many plants but I am curious where she’s going to put them in her yard! I guess I’ll see at the end of the month! Ha!
This summer has been wonderful, I’ve been busy but I’ve been laughing. I seem to have hit a little rut for some reason, not quite sure what brought that on but I know it’s a phase and I’ll pass through it. There is so much happening, I do think I need to work on a few home projects. There are some big things coming up in the next little bit! We’ll see how things move and shake out!
Monday, June 28, 2010
I Need More Weekend...Or just to Slow Down!
Phew…I need to catch my breath…I need a vacation!
What a busy weekend…okay busy past two weeks. It feels like the rummage sale weekend was for-e-ver ago!
Moline went well. I met some incredible women that have been involved in community and economic development for years and have such personality. Julie and I took a walk downtown, enjoyed a local brewery, and peeked around. Moline is part of the quad cities(like the song Train that I remember from 8th grade) but it’s real claim to fame is John Deere. We took a walk down to the pavilion and I sat on the 500,000 combine made….I couldn’t crawl up into and see it but Dad said if I really wanted to see what it looked like he’d take me to RDO.
The flying was very interesting both ways. We cut getting on our planes really tight because of weather problems and such. However coming back, I had the worst decent of my life, I actually got queasy and thought I was going to puke. Turns out the weather was turning for the worst in MN and ND, that was the night that 20 tornadoes touched down all over. No wonder the air wasn’t conducive to flying.

When I got back I decided to stay home for a couple days and spend it with the family. There are some big changes happening out there and the first one that I wanted to see was Mom’s house…it looks so nice and if I didn’t know what she went through to get it I would be super jealous. I even got to see her new porch landing before she did…It look nice! The sad thing that I thought of was how it’s going to change first day of school pictures!

It was nice to spend a little time with them…in fact for Father’s Day, we went to Medora. We hadn’t been there as a family since 1993 or 4! We took in a little Johnny Holmes and strolled around a bit to see the ND Cowboy Hall of Fame, a few (as Dad would call them: Crap) shops, and even had a little ice cream! It was nice to wander and relax! We even took a family picture…
This past week I have not been home for much but to sleep! Busy running, golfing, and some appointments….I think TonyDanza and Lola are plotting how to trap me. The weekend was no different, I was excited to have Tiffy come and do a quick breeze through as she was making appearances in Medora and at the Dickinson Roughrider days! Where and how she keeps all that energy…I’ll never know!

On Saturday, Aubrey and I took off to stay with Candy during McQuade’s Charity Softball tournament. Those girls make me laugh! I don’t think we were in Bismarck for more than 24 hours, but we made the most out of it! We dressed up, went to Fiesta Villa, Elbow Room, and finished the night off at Bucks….Those girls know how to keep me moving and smiling! The next day we woke up early and took in a few games and a bit too much sun. I’m a little red! Awww….Memories!
What a busy weekend…okay busy past two weeks. It feels like the rummage sale weekend was for-e-ver ago!
Moline went well. I met some incredible women that have been involved in community and economic development for years and have such personality. Julie and I took a walk downtown, enjoyed a local brewery, and peeked around. Moline is part of the quad cities(like the song Train that I remember from 8th grade) but it’s real claim to fame is John Deere. We took a walk down to the pavilion and I sat on the 500,000 combine made….I couldn’t crawl up into and see it but Dad said if I really wanted to see what it looked like he’d take me to RDO.
The flying was very interesting both ways. We cut getting on our planes really tight because of weather problems and such. However coming back, I had the worst decent of my life, I actually got queasy and thought I was going to puke. Turns out the weather was turning for the worst in MN and ND, that was the night that 20 tornadoes touched down all over. No wonder the air wasn’t conducive to flying.
When I got back I decided to stay home for a couple days and spend it with the family. There are some big changes happening out there and the first one that I wanted to see was Mom’s house…it looks so nice and if I didn’t know what she went through to get it I would be super jealous. I even got to see her new porch landing before she did…It look nice! The sad thing that I thought of was how it’s going to change first day of school pictures!
It was nice to spend a little time with them…in fact for Father’s Day, we went to Medora. We hadn’t been there as a family since 1993 or 4! We took in a little Johnny Holmes and strolled around a bit to see the ND Cowboy Hall of Fame, a few (as Dad would call them: Crap) shops, and even had a little ice cream! It was nice to wander and relax! We even took a family picture…
This past week I have not been home for much but to sleep! Busy running, golfing, and some appointments….I think TonyDanza and Lola are plotting how to trap me. The weekend was no different, I was excited to have Tiffy come and do a quick breeze through as she was making appearances in Medora and at the Dickinson Roughrider days! Where and how she keeps all that energy…I’ll never know!
On Saturday, Aubrey and I took off to stay with Candy during McQuade’s Charity Softball tournament. Those girls make me laugh! I don’t think we were in Bismarck for more than 24 hours, but we made the most out of it! We dressed up, went to Fiesta Villa, Elbow Room, and finished the night off at Bucks….Those girls know how to keep me moving and smiling! The next day we woke up early and took in a few games and a bit too much sun. I’m a little red! Awww….Memories!

Sunday, June 13, 2010
Working it for YP!
We’ve had so little summer sun, what’s up with that. It feels like it’s been years since summer. I’m hoping when I go down to Moline this week, I’ll be able to sneak in some rays! I’m excited about this trip as I don’t know what to expect. I’ve been in this field (Economic/Community Development) now for a year and a half, it’s constant changing. I never know what I’m going to be doing each day. I kinda make it up as I go, but sometimes it’s nice. We are still working on a trip to Minneapolis to go and talk with the Bush Foundation; they are who provided funding for the first grant. We’ll see where this pans out. I know the universe will take care of me…but I wish I knew how that plan was going to start!
We had a productive YP week. We had an executive meeting that was perfect timing to build off the momentum that we had from the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit. We are shaking things up and creating some sustainability
strategies for the leaders of the network. We also held on social on Saturday that had 17 people attend, which in turn resulted in 3 new members. That’s not too bad of a night! The next day, on a Saturday, we had a charity rummage sale scavenger hunt. We went up and down Hwy 21 and collected items that House of Manna usually asks for. We had four teams competing, one team from Bismarck, and people were so giving. My team was Amy Jo and I, I gotta admit we did pretty well! This was the brain child that I drummed up last year but I wasn’t sure how the pragmatics of it was going to play out. I wasn’t sure if people were going to want to give. WOW…people would take our list out of our hand and start wandering into their house! I deemed the event a huge success and created some good stories! We also had a cook out that night at Josh’s house with a camp fire and barbecuing. We had quiet a few people attend this as well. We are revising our format so we will actually have a weekly YP newsletter which will talk about past events, share about upcoming events, and other member highlights. It’s exciting to see all of the things we’ve done this year. I can’t believe our banquet is coming up in September already! I also found out I was appointed to represent DYP on the State NDYP board.
I was happy to hang out with my girlfriends this weekend. I know that I’m looking for Mr. Right and sometimes I’m not patient with it but I gotta admit the passengers on this journey have been the best part. It’s nice to talk, share ideas, and b1tch about things with women that are all in the same place but with different points of view. We had a bonfire at Aubrey’s house last night….oh I giggled. There was a lot of beer spilt on the patio but I wouldn’t have traded the conversation and camaraderie for anything.
I’m also working on a few creative points right now; one of my goals is to write a book. I’m still working on the vocal point. I have a few ideas but am not sure how I’m going to lay it out or what direction I’m planning on going to. I guess you could say I’m still in R & D! It’s been fun to see that start progressing as ideas begin to spin out.
We had a productive YP week. We had an executive meeting that was perfect timing to build off the momentum that we had from the Great Plains Young Professionals Summit. We are shaking things up and creating some sustainability
I was happy to hang out with my girlfriends this weekend. I know that I’m looking for Mr. Right and sometimes I’m not patient with it but I gotta admit the passengers on this journey have been the best part. It’s nice to talk, share ideas, and b1tch about things with women that are all in the same place but with different points of view. We had a bonfire at Aubrey’s house last night….oh I giggled. There was a lot of beer spilt on the patio but I wouldn’t have traded the conversation and camaraderie for anything.
I’m also working on a few creative points right now; one of my goals is to write a book. I’m still working on the vocal point. I have a few ideas but am not sure how I’m going to lay it out or what direction I’m planning on going to. I guess you could say I’m still in R & D! It’s been fun to see that start progressing as ideas begin to spin out.
Next week I'm all over the board...we'll see where it takes me.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Summits, Spills, and Scheduling!
This past weekend was the first Great Plains Young Professionals Summit, held in Bismarck, ND. What a great event. I was impressed with the support and range of people that attended. They had a high power line up of speakers with a great amount of range: economists, writers, social media, trust, government/politicians, leadership, cultural, nonprofits, etc.
I took in breakouts on trust building, social networking, living in truth, and sat in on changes, leadership, and living keynotes. A lot of great things that I needed to hear or things that I needed to think about. The conference left those of us YP’ers that went with some great things to think about and reenergized our efforts!
One thing popped up this week and shows how the world is more connected. Because of the oil spill that is happening in the Gulf, Sheri and I figured that we weren’t going to be able to go to Corpus Christie this fall for my birthday. Sure we can go but it won’t be the same because we won’t be able to go to the beach or have the seafood, etc. We are now reviewing where we want to go…We’ve been looking at California. We’ll see...
My week was busy but slow….I leave for Illinois on the 15th …But not before the YP Scavenger hunt/rummage sale and a day trip to Watford.
I took in breakouts on trust building, social networking, living in truth, and sat in on changes, leadership, and living keynotes. A lot of great things that I needed to hear or things that I needed to think about. The conference left those of us YP’ers that went with some great things to think about and reenergized our efforts!
One thing popped up this week and shows how the world is more connected. Because of the oil spill that is happening in the Gulf, Sheri and I figured that we weren’t going to be able to go to Corpus Christie this fall for my birthday. Sure we can go but it won’t be the same because we won’t be able to go to the beach or have the seafood, etc. We are now reviewing where we want to go…We’ve been looking at California. We’ll see...
My week was busy but slow….I leave for Illinois on the 15th …But not before the YP Scavenger hunt/rummage sale and a day trip to Watford.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What happened to May?
Seriously I lost a whole month…
I had a great weekend. I started it off visiting Stacy at the Station. I dropped off a picture collage I made for her and Nicole from the Guatemala trip. It’s hard to believe that the place where we wandered around and took in just 3 weeks ago is in complete disarray from the volcano eruption and then being dumped on (25” of rain) by Tropical Storm Agatha. The pics on their page amaze me.
I spent some time with Kam on Friday night too…he made me surf and turf! I was impressed by his cooking abilities! I was feeling pretty good until he schooled me in wii…whatever!
Saturday through Monday I spent with Janice and Jerry! Those two make me giggle. Between their fights, their language, their nursing home plans, their shopping….I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Janice and I took in some shopping at Gordman’s, I love that store! We saved over $375 together! HA! We also were lazy clothes tryers!
We went to Mexican Village, where I was outdrank! We also went and saw Great Great Aunt Ruth, it was the first time I met her (it wasn’t an official meeting!).
I love being able to sit up and talk with Janie…I hope at 71, I’m on top of things like she is….We got her set up with her facebook page. We’ll see if that sticks.
It’s weekends like this that make me really wish she wouldn’t have moved back!

I got back home to my yard that could have been hayed! The grass was so long it was going to seed! It’s good to have good friends as I couldn’t figure out how to start my “fancy” mower!
New fear: Summer might go too fast too me!
I had a great weekend. I started it off visiting Stacy at the Station. I dropped off a picture collage I made for her and Nicole from the Guatemala trip. It’s hard to believe that the place where we wandered around and took in just 3 weeks ago is in complete disarray from the volcano eruption and then being dumped on (25” of rain) by Tropical Storm Agatha. The pics on their page amaze me.
I spent some time with Kam on Friday night too…he made me surf and turf! I was impressed by his cooking abilities! I was feeling pretty good until he schooled me in wii…whatever!
Saturday through Monday I spent with Janice and Jerry! Those two make me giggle. Between their fights, their language, their nursing home plans, their shopping….I thoroughly enjoyed myself. Janice and I took in some shopping at Gordman’s, I love that store! We saved over $375 together! HA! We also were lazy clothes tryers!
We went to Mexican Village, where I was outdrank! We also went and saw Great Great Aunt Ruth, it was the first time I met her (it wasn’t an official meeting!).
I love being able to sit up and talk with Janie…I hope at 71, I’m on top of things like she is….We got her set up with her facebook page. We’ll see if that sticks.
It’s weekends like this that make me really wish she wouldn’t have moved back!
I got back home to my yard that could have been hayed! The grass was so long it was going to seed! It’s good to have good friends as I couldn’t figure out how to start my “fancy” mower!
New fear: Summer might go too fast too me!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Readers Digest Version of My Catch Up!
Well I’ve been playing catch up…and not by a little either.

That gives a nice sample of where I’m at…It’s been crazy catching up. I’ve had a lot going on and a lot on my mind but I’m in a good space. I’ve had my tarot cards read again in the past week and I think the universe says I’m in a good spot and will continue to be there while I develop my relationships. I think I’m in for a good summer….here’s hoping!
Here’s the readers’ digest version of my life post-Guatemala.
-Moved everything in my house off the floor
-Had to get new tires for my car
-Got new flooring through the entire top floor (carpet and vinyl)
-Mel, the roommate, moved in (Dog still to come)
-Rock the River with URL radio
-Moved everything in my house off the floor
-Had to get new tires for my car
-Got new flooring through the entire top floor (carpet and vinyl)
-Mel, the roommate, moved in (Dog still to come)
-Rock the River with URL radio
-Champion of 1 round of Trivia, only one other team can say that.
-Girls' Trip to Bismarck, complete with police report (Sorry Amy Jo)
-Kiwanis banquet
-Confirmed my Kansas trip for July 16
-Work trip to Wibaux, Montana. Second time ever to Montana
-Bonding with roommate Mel, which eliminated most of my white wines
-Booking my flight to Moline, Illinois, for work panel discussions
-Mom and Dad’s 30 anniversary
-Leaking through my ceiling
-Meeting with the President regarding additional Bush Funding for my job

-Girls' Trip to Bismarck, complete with police report (Sorry Amy Jo)
-Kiwanis banquet
-Confirmed my Kansas trip for July 16
-Work trip to Wibaux, Montana. Second time ever to Montana
-Bonding with roommate Mel, which eliminated most of my white wines
-Booking my flight to Moline, Illinois, for work panel discussions
-Mom and Dad’s 30 anniversary
-Leaking through my ceiling
-Meeting with the President regarding additional Bush Funding for my job
That gives a nice sample of where I’m at…It’s been crazy catching up. I’ve had a lot going on and a lot on my mind but I’m in a good space. I’ve had my tarot cards read again in the past week and I think the universe says I’m in a good spot and will continue to be there while I develop my relationships. I think I’m in for a good summer….here’s hoping!
Big Ol Jet Airliner....I've been thinking about my home!
May 8: Saturday…home again, home again.
So at 3:30 IN THE MORNING….we were ready to go back to Guatemala City to the Airport. We had slight issues going through security, we didn’t speak the language, Stacy had to lose her Ik seasoning, which was said to make food come alive. I said I want my food not alive! Nic and I also were heavily frisked, so much so, that I wanted to demand a steak dinner.

We flew to Houston, it was a pretty empty flight and the movie was “the Frog Princess” so we enjoyed the crappy breakfast snack. When we got to Houston, it was nice to be state side…something reassuring about the whole thing to be back. The flight ended with me sitting in the cockpit, my grandma picking me up, and Sheri surprising me at the airport.
So at 3:30 IN THE MORNING….we were ready to go back to Guatemala City to the Airport. We had slight issues going through security, we didn’t speak the language, Stacy had to lose her Ik seasoning, which was said to make food come alive. I said I want my food not alive! Nic and I also were heavily frisked, so much so, that I wanted to demand a steak dinner.

We flew to Houston, it was a pretty empty flight and the movie was “the Frog Princess” so we enjoyed the crappy breakfast snack. When we got to Houston, it was nice to be state side…something reassuring about the whole thing to be back. The flight ended with me sitting in the cockpit, my grandma picking me up, and Sheri surprising me at the airport.
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