
Saturday, July 15, 2023

Back into routine, 2nd 4th, lessons

 Won't lie... it took a bit to get back in the swing after a week of off routine. The kids had trouble at school, our emails were backed up, the house was a mess, laundry was mounting... but what made me chuckle was I asked Eleanor if it felt weird to be back.. and she said, it feels good to be back. I agreed - something about sleeping in your own bed and puttering around your own home that makes a trip feel like you came home just in time.

We did celebrate the 4th of July again on Friday night tho - we spent some time with my family and lit fireworks off at my parents house. It was nice, slow, and quiet. We had some hold overs from last year and Mom picked up some too - the kids love the parachuters. I think I'm a fountain fan... less boom, more pretty. The kids stayed a couple nights at the farm - they played in the corn, hit up the local one room school and played with the kitties between side by side rides. 

Matt and I got some stuff knocked off around home include working on the landscaping and even got a round of golf in .. it was horrible and we both played like schit until we quit talking to each other. Fun times!

This week has been busy. G started his golf lessons and he's excited about it. We are piling that on with baseball lessons - I'm not sure if we are into skill mastery yet but we are still liking. Eleanor also started tennis this week - something totally new for her. 

Overall, it's hard to believe that it's July and summer is swinging into the back half - we have a lot of things on our list that we haven't even thought about or started planning for!

G comes out.
G: Eleanor is (insert petty behavior that we don't want to hear about).
MJR: Grady, I'm sick of hearing about the things your sister does wrong. What does she do that's right?
G: Nothing
G walks off.

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