
Monday, September 6, 2021

Labor Day Routine and Relaxation

 It was a nice weekend. Sure, everyone says that about holiday weekends but it was nice. We got so much done around the house - organizing, cleaning, sorting, AND also the kids played well and played together. Don't get me wrong. There was squabbling but it's getting to a place of harmony with little intervention. 

Let's breakdown the week....

G was kid of the day on Monday - for his birthday. Part of me was very glad that he got to celebrate his birthday with classmates. When daycare closed up, my heart broke a bit as he wasn't able to bring snacks in for his friends and was stuck with celebrating just with us. We brought spiderman colored donuts (red, blue, and black). 

E is blossoming in school. She's bringing home work that she is proud of and is putting her heart and abilities into. I haven't seen her color this well in a long time. Matt says dropoff with her is a DREAM... she can't wait to get out of the car. She gets to school a bit early and goes into the gym where she sits with her classmates or can have breakfast. We are encouraging her to have breakfast but she rarely does. She comes home chattering and talking about the things she's learned. It's exciting to see her exciting and retaining info. 

Ains - well Ains is officially in her second week of daycare. I don't drop her off and I'm glad. Matt says it's a bit horrible. You wouldn't guess it when you pick her up, she's chatty and likes to play with her friends. She talks well of her daycare, until you pull into the parking lot. 

We stayed busy over the weekend.... Matt took E golfing on Friday night. We had smores on Saturday and he and the bigs slept outside in the tent. Sunday we did some running around, took care of some outstanding projects and cleaning. Monday, we went out to celebrate Mom and Dad mostly being done with their silage pile. The kids like hanging out with the kitties, which is not mutual. 

That night after golf...
MJR: Eleanor said she wants to it way up in the air.
ALR: What did you say?
MJR: I told her it took me a long time to be able to do it.
ALR: It's still taking mama years to get it in the air.
MJR: I didn't bring that up. I almost got a hole in one.
ALR: I don't want to hear it. I just want to get my ball in the air.
MJR: It took me a long time to be able to do that.

MJR: It's really nice to get into a routine.
ALR: What?? I feel like we are all over the place - family pics, I have that conference.
MJR: Well, yeah, but that's normal unnormal. We have places to go each day and I know where people are going, unlike August when each day was different.
ALR: Oh, well, yeah, I guess BUT they don't seem to know we are in a routine.
MJR: But I know. 

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