I returned to the living! I got my second negative on my COVID test and could return to work and emerge from the basement. The kids were excited! I was excited!
It's been a windy week. Not just a little windy, crazy-knock-the-playhouse-over-and-blow-it-20feet-
down windy. This kids watched the playhouse and the smoker go over. The weather has been warming up but it's getting so dry. At this rate, there will be no campfires or fireworks, and those are the good things. It was be devastating for crops and cattle too. Matt righted the house and took the tarp off. Everyone has been loving the house and it makes my heart smile.We were a bit late on the Easter things too thanks to my quarantine. Eggs didn't get dyed until Easter day and this year I had some ornaments to paint too. We tried painting two different ways - the first was to put food coloring in whip cream and then roll the egg through the coloring. I liked but was harder than I thought to do and harder to clean the eggs off. We also used the coffee filter, marker approach. They colored coffee filters, wrapped the egg and then painted the egg with a vinegar solution. Worked so well!
But the main event of Easter was heading to Denise's to celebrate. We had lunch and did a big egg hunt followed by bubbles, chalk, and kites.
Another notable event was Easter baskets. The Easter bunny hides baskets in our house and the know to look all over. Ains's was easy behind the couch, G's was in some boxes, and E's may have been the hardest to find... under the entry bench. They love looking through before heading on a hike and quick park stop.

ARR continues to yell.
ARR a bit garbled: Sandwich!
ARR nods: Up Down Sandwich!
MJR: You want an Up Down Sandwich?
ALR: I don't know?!
MJR: Okay, yes, you want a sandwich.
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