Well, it was a tough weekend to be an Ainsey.. poor little girl has a busted up lip and a chipped tooth. Eleanor, who despite being told to quit picking her up still does, dropped her on Saturday at the zoo on the pavement. Ains handled it like a champ - a bit of crying but mostly wanted to be snuggled by her dad - we are keeping an eye on it. But the poor girl keeps hitting her face on things - whether it's her kitchen stool, the gate for the stairs, her toys - it's tough. For the most part, her attitude hasn't been impacted, she's same as usual. She also added a new word to her vocabulary.
Add that to Dada, Lola, Uh-oh, nah-ah, and Puppy.
We did a couple movie nights this past weekend. These are treats for the kids - we put on something Disney based, set up the chairs, if it's a real special night, make popcorn and watch 1/3 of a movie. E and G are real good about focusing and watching. Ains doesn't care so much. She's about the popcorn and panhandles her weigh as best as possible but she plays in the room while we watch. The current movie we are working on is Toy Story 3. G is in love with BuzzLightyear right now. He has a Buzz doll and loves seeing him on TV. E is okay with it but is more about the princesses still right now. She's just happy to be watching a movie. Usually, the kids start in their own chairs but sooner than later, E crawls up with Matt and G cocoons in next to me.

Friday night - eating pizza.
G: Me go up the ladder, you are too big.
MJR: No, I wasn't too big to go up the ladder but I couldn't because I had Ainsley.
G: Me go up, but Dad and Eleanor do not go up, you are too big?
ALR: No, someday when we go back, I will go up with you. Eleanor can go up too.
G: Dad is too big?
ALR: No, Dad is not too big, Ainsley is too little.
G: Okay, so you is not too big, Me go up the ladder.
ALR: I (emphasizes) will go up the ladder
G: Me and you go up the ladder
ALR: No, Grady, can you say "I go up the ladder."
G: I go up the ladder, but Dad is too big.
(Repeat this conversation for the next three nights in various formats, takeaway, G wants to go up the blockhouse ladder.
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