The sickness has started in the house, despite my best efforts and attempts to homeopathic things as much as possible. E, despite few accidents, is no longer in pull-ups and diapers ALL the time. She hasn't had one single overnight accident yet - and I'm so proud of her. Even when she got sick at night, she did as best as she could! The girl was home a couple days with some bug. Matt got something too so the two of them watched Frozen together. Matt was a little appalled at the storyline, forcing a girl to become a shut-in and all - but E is in love with Anna and Elsa. Just as E was good enough to go back to daycare, Ains was not. I stayed home with the crankiest baby in the whole wide world. We did take her and Grady both in as they both seemed off - G had a bit of an ear infection and a couple days later, Ains earned herself some antibodies as well due to no improvement. Meanwhile, Matt's abs are in the best shape of the past 5 years because he is coughing marathon viking coughs all the time and all through the night.

We celebrated Great Grandma Dar's 85th birthday with her. E and G were pretty excited about playing with her cousins and sharing cake with Grandma - Ains just crawled all over the place. 85 seems hard to believe - somedays 36 seems incredibly old but the changes that Grandma has seen over her lifetime, even over the past 35 years or past decade - she's lived well with a true love of her life, 5 children, 13 grandkids, and 14 great-grandkids.

We also had Wes and Kristi over for extended play of games and dinner. Eleanor adores Peyton and I get a kick out of watching their 3 play with E & G. For the age differences, they do really well. We even played Exploding Kittens together a bit, Michael won every game! I was impressed! I enjoy Wes and Kristi for their candor, sense of humor, unknowing advice they give and their love of my children. They are so different from each other and I appreciate how they honor and respect that within their marriage. I like whenever we can get together.

We also kicked off butchering season. The kids and I stayed home while Matt went out to the farm and butchered a cow with Dad. He boned up on some videos ahead of time but was pumped about breaking the beef down and will be processing jerky for some time.
Eating cheesecake
ALR: oh, it's so rich.
EER says with a bit of a whine: I want a drink of milk!
MJR: That's what mom means when she says it's rich.
EER: I know but I love it!
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