We are falling into a rhythm with fall - E is in the preschool class at daycare so she's been going places, learning things, and really blossoming. Each week they have a letter that all their activities center around. This week it was A... and they capped the week off with a field trip to the airport! Nothing like bringing your Dad for show and share!
Ains is on the verge of thinking of crawling.. She gets to rocking and she'll get to reaching but just can't seem to get all the momentum going in one direction. E and G are still big fans of hers but I'm assuming as the winds shift and the crawling happens, they'll get mad that she's in their business.

We had the Right track screenings with G and Ains this past weekend. I was worried that E would be upset because usually Wendy always comes to play with her, but she has aged out of the program. She handled it well and let her sibling be the center of attention for a bit... we did distract her with some Peppa but we'll take what we can get. Both are doing really well with development. I was actually a bit surprised because I feel that as we've put more on our plate that all of them are getting the short end of the stick but Grady is getting 3 and 4 word sentences, using silverware, drinking from an open cup, problem solving, listening to directions. Ains is responding to social situations, understanding tone, pinching, grasping, and interested in rocking and crawling... all our good. So maybe wolves wouldn't do as good of a job!

Last weekend, Matt, Grady, and I started working to put away the garden things... this week we did a bit more with E.
EER: Mommy! WHO took our tomatoes??
ALR: We had to take them down and start putting the garden away, it's getting cold out.
EER: Can we go get a few green beans?
ALR: Oh no, honey, they are done and gone too.
EER: All of it???
ALR: I'm sorry, we'll haftah plant again next summer.
EER: that's forever
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