Last weekend it was a wonderfully slow weekend...

Kids yelled at the next door neighbor dogs.
We threw all the kids in the tub for a bath. Ainsley was a tub hog and she doesn't realize that she can't kick and be as excited with her siblings in the tub as when she does alone. She loves a good bath and does a full body kick... from her arms down all the way to her legs. E thought it was pretty fun - poor G wasn't wild as he's shorted on his space when he has to share with E.

We also took in Capitol Affair. G was super excited when we pulled up. "CHOO CHOO!!! CHOO CHOO!!!" E was excited too but not like G. The thing is G was excited when he got to ride on the train... E had to be "convinced" that it was fun. E had more fun hanging around the capitol building. She found a couple painted rocks and thought it was great. We told her the game was to take her picture and then hide them again.

E and Matt also went golfing this past weekend. We picked up a set of clubs for her - she likes going to "range balls" with her dad. We did find out after they got back, when we went through her bag that she took a range ball ... so we are still working on the rules and etiquette of the game.
We had a campfire to top the weekend.
Getting ready for bed.
After book reading.
Tucking EER into bed to sing songs.
ALR: Ohhh, you smell so good!
EER with big eyes: I have soap in me.
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