What a weekend! It's been full-on busy!

It started off great with Kevie coming to visit for Grady's birthday. It's pretty special when people are willing to get on a plane for a birthday party for a two-year-old. It's awesome that we can spend time with her but also that she wants to spend time to know her godson. This was also her first time meeting Ainsley. It's fun to see Matt hang out with one of his favorite people - the two of them may have enjoyed each other a bit too much on the first day and had to recover from a hangover the next day.

I decorated for Grady's birthday a bit in advance and nothing warms my heart more than him coming down and pointing at it because he's excited! He kept doing it for a couple days... pointing at the choo-choo, pointing at his name, and when the balloons came - even more excitement!

He had a nice birthday - he loved his cake, which made me happy. He had fun opening his presents. I was a bit worried that E would struggle but she helped nicely and he was okay with the help. We got him a fishing pole but some of this other presents included a tonka dozer (Uncle Eric and Amanda), a John Deere tractor and dump truck set (G & G Moser), a trampoline (G & G Remynse), a bike helmet and horn (Auntie and Adam).
We ended the night with a campfire and smores - it was so nice to relax and have everyone enjoy it. I had to laugh at watching the Grandparents enjoying marshmallows too.

On Sunday, Matt took him and Kevie out for the traditional birthday breakfast. They went to Little Cottage - which is where they went last year. I thought it was nice that Kevie was there to be part of the tradition. After they got back home, we gave him his birthday present from us - his very own strider/glider bike. He was so excited and tried it out right away. Worked pretty well with his helmet too - he was so proud of himself. E thought it was so cool too... "you have a bike and I have a bike!"

After Kevie took off, we attempted the take the weekend lowkey. Unfortunately, a storm moved in and we got a massive amount of hail - enough to hail out the roof, some of the gutters, and some of the door frames - not what we needed and yes, that's what insurance is for but what a bummer. Amazingly, Grady slept through the whole thing. Ainsley did wake up but not right away. E watched with us - she wasn't scared but did think it was interesting.

After the rain calmed down, we went to Burger King for Grady's supper. We thought they'd love to play in the indoor play area after their meal. PSA: Burger King does absolutely nothing for birthdays... they didn't even have a little hat to give him. I get that it's not about the freebies but I wanted to say, seriously. come on. He's two - it wouldn't be hard to go a little extra here.
I did chuckle after the two of them playing in the playground. G wasn't quite tall enough to get into the tubes and climb up well so E had to push his butt up and help him. The two of them would get to giggling!
After supper, we headed for pictures. We did some family pictures after a set of Grady's own shoot. He did pretty well and I'm excited to see what they come out with. I'll admit I'm exhausted after the whole thing - and it was HOT and muggy.
EER watches MJR grab a handful of hail to take a picture.
MJR: Eleanor, do you want to hold the hail?
EER opens her hand.
MJR puts hail in her hand.
MJR stands up to look at something.
EER shoves hail in her mouth.
EER: Daddy can I have more iceballs to eat?