Oh my beautiful Grady Boy.
You are one years old.
I'm not ready for this.

Everything about you from your pregnancy, to your first days, to today has been quiet and sensitive. You are my boy with a smile and you constantly charm people. I keep thinking what a blur your first year has been. The only time you've ever made too much fuss was the first few minutes you were born. Your sister was so quiet taking it in but you weren't... so loud with your disapproval of the cold and prodding new world.

Your maternity leave was not quiet either... you were but I drug you and prodded you with work - taking you to the Workforce Conference when you weren't even a month old. You were quiet at work and fairly easy to keep. The hardest part over those first couple months was your dry, sensitive skin and then your ear aches.
E took to you fairly fast.. she was saying your name before her own granted it sounded more like GA-EEE than Grady but it was fun seeing you two become a pair. Her crawling in your crib or you trying to get to her. Now, she's an incessant hugger/kisser and you can only take so much love for so long before scowling her out.

Over the past year the only problem with you is getting you to sleep through the night.. .smiles and laughs all day. You are a healthy eater who will gobble blueberries all day long. And squash watermelon through your hands before taking down the pulp.

I have so many wishes for you little boy. I want you to keep your gentle spirit. You are so happy to see people, so quick to smile, so willing to play and give love. You look to see how things work and how they fit together and seem to grow where you are planted. It's not that I don't want you to see the world but I am amazed at how happy you are with your surroundings. You are good with all personalities and I want to embrace that in your attitude, to be accepting of those that enrich your life. I want to see you find love and happiness in the things you do and the people who you chose to put in your life. I hope you see your father and I as potential role models and I hope we can life up to the task and worthy of that role.
You are so loved little boy and as you begin to grow out of my arms I hope you know how hard I try to be the best for you,

Love your mama.
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