The couple days following the trip were hard. For a couple reasons - I was jet lagged and had my timezones screwed up was the first reason but the second was a 25% RIF that happened at work. It wasn't just the fact that my closest friends at work were impacted but these were people that have gotten me settled over the past four years and also helped me raise my babies at work. If it weren't for some, I don't know how I would have even brought them! To put it as pc and frank as possible... it totally sucked. And I'm not sure when it will be okay or better.

As a complete, planned distraction, we headed to Dickinson for the Grady's 9 month pictures. It was a beautiful twofold situation. We got to spend a little time with the Petroffs besides taking the photos. We dropped E off to play with Alice and Shantelle (while Rick worked on the house) and headed up to Jess's studio. Pictures went very well - he was interested and happy and mobil - WAY better than E's 9 month pics, where she cried almost the entire time. Afterward we all went to JD BBQ for lunch - the girls had been playing well and it continued through lunch. Grady was wiped out from pics and napped almost the entire meal.

The rest of memorial weekend was pretty lowkey - which was well needed. We planted and potted and played outside. We were a little late getting the garden in compared to previous years but with all the "help" we had this year and the trip, it was no wonder.
Memorial Day was a pretty lazy day - we hung out in pajamas and took things pretty slow. The weather was finally beautiful and the kids were in great moods.
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