So spring is never coming. I'm sick of snow, cold, wind, snowboots,

indoors, ugh. We've had some freak snow dumps this past week and supposedly armageddon of snowshowers is coming this weekend. Ugh. Maybe that's why we've had a helluva week with the "big girl" bed. My neck and back are crying over this transition and the bedtime routine has lengthened by an hour over the hysterical crying that happens between story time and actual falls asleep time. Matt and I have had many theoretical discussions on our nocturnal parenting practices. To be honest, we could easily pick a favorite child whoever sleeps thru the night without waking up and needing us, that child will be my favorite. I don't want to talk about naptime.
We tried something new this weekend. We went to the ten and under gym time at the gymnastics center. It was one solid hour of on the move playtime for Eleanor. Grady did a lot of watching the chaos and even flirted with some of the girls there.

We finally took a breath and got his 7 month pics done. Eleanor helped out. It was for sure amateur photo hour at the Remynse house. I remember Eleanor's pics being hard but his aren't any easier.
Even though he's a bit lighter than she was at the same time... he's almost caught her in length - just 1/4" shorter!

We finished out the weekend at the farm celebrating Alaina's birthday. We had E make her a little picture to celebrate. She doesn't quite understand birthdays yet. Maybe after her 2nd one, she'll get a better understanding of them. She did understand cake.
The other big happening around the house is G is on the move... nothing is scared he's a belly crawler. E was putting puzzles together, he was in it. I had some stuff spread out on the floor, he was in it. Matt was doing laundry... he was in it. Our world is changing again.
ALR going through pics on instagram in bed at night
ALR: Do you see this pic - what does this haftah do with Easter?
MJR looks.
MJR: Isn't that a donkey in the pic?
ALR: Yeah, what's your point?
MJR: Well didn't Jesus or God have something to do with donkeys.
ALR: Yes...and what would that be.
MJR thinks for a bit.
MJR: Didn't the three king wise guys come on donkeys?
ALR: NO! They came on camels!
MJR: Ahhh, yes, Camels... donkeys... same thing. Camels are just the donkeys of the middle east.
ALR: Do you hear yourself?
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