I think it's spring... I say that with great uncertainty because the snow won't quit coming. The talk of storms, the constant shoveling, the snowpants, the mittens, the jackets, the hats.. all of it. I'm sick of it. We were starting to go for walks and starting to see the ground and I was starting to get used to the mud - now we are back to frozen walks and ice and snow. It makes Easter a little harder to stomach.
We went and did some Easter-y things to prepare for the holiday.
We went and visited the Easter bunny. It didn't go well.

We went and visited the chickens at Runnings - that went really well and she thought they were pretty cute and she learned that they Peep Peep Peep. She hated having to say good bye to the HICKENS!! I wish I would have gotten a picture.
The day of Easter, the Easter Bunny brought books for the kids and we headed out to the farm to celebrate. We had dinner and took naps and E had her first egg hunt... I won't lie, I was really hoping she'd enjoy it outside but we made do. Grandma had filled eggs with things special for her and she got the hang of it pretty fast!
Some words that she learned very quickly this past weekend: bunny, eggs, ham
It's hard to believe that next year, we'll have two egg hunters! Grady was perfectly happy hanging out and watching it all unfold around him (when he wasn't napping).

Due to daycare being closed on Easter Monday, the kids had a Dad day and he brought his A Game. After breakfast, where it was officially determined that eggs are out of Eleanor's current selection, he took both kids to the Heritage Center. Went to lunch with me. Then after nap went to a playyard for fun. Add that to cleaning house... I'm impressed because I can't even shower on days when it's just me and them!
Other things going on include my recent winnings of the March Madness Brackets at work. I think I'm going to by a pair of shoes with my winnings, either that or a pile of coffee. I was even close with my final score prediction... 79-62.
Playing in the living room.
MJR and EER building with blocks.
MJR knocks stack over.
EER begins to shake her finger rigorously at him: No, NO, No, NO, No!
ALR: Should Dad go to a break?