After 4 days and 3 nights without Matt, I was so glad for him to be back home on Wednesday. I don't know how single moms do it. I'll admit, I think I relied on Peppa a bit too much while I worked to put Grady to bed.

a synopsis to the Governor's office of what we've done and what we are planning. They asked a ton of questions and we'll see what comes from here.
Some things going on with the kids - EER is still in a war with Lola... those two seem to no end be picking at each other and pissing each other off. Her vocab is continueing to grow. Matt and Grady both are getting chewed out every now and then "Dad, Stop it" "Gae-ey Stop it." I will admit the way she says, Grady makes me smile EVERY time!

the tub. He has a chair that we use in the tub that puts him in at an angle and he will kick and push and kick until I'm soaked, the ground is soaked, Eleanor is irritated from all the kicking, and he's good and played out. Listening to him giggle is the best tho.
It was a grandparent filled weekend. Michele and Randy came down for some camera work and we went out to Mom's for her birthday. Grady had ended up going into the clinic for a cold but all is okay. I'm ready for the weather to break and spring season to actually come.

MJR and EER downstairs before work.
ALR comes down with GRR.
MJR: Eleanor what's outside?
EER: SNO!!!!!!
ALR: Eleanor, quit pulling on Mom's pants. I don't like that.
EER stares.
ALR: Should I pull on your pants? DO you like it?
ALR tugs at top of pants
EER laughs and pulls pants off.
EER runs off.
MJR snickers in the background: That backfired for you.
ALR: You remember that in 15 years and see if you are still laughing.
MJR quits smiling.
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