I knew it was coming. But I really thought it was a ways off.
We are officially in a big-girl/toddler conversion bed.
Nothing will be the same again.
We had been playing in her room and we suddenly realized that she had very little problems eradicating herself from the walls of the crib. These walls I have come to love and cherish - even though they've been well-beavered up by her little budding teeth. In an attempt to ensure that she doesn't fall out and hurt herself, we decided to put up the toddler barricade. that really is just a roll bar that covers half the front of the crib - and it's not fooling anyone.

MJR: Those people are exhausting.
ALR: I know, you left me with those people earlier this month.
MJR: For them not being very verbal, I feel like they are collaborating to gang up on me.
ALR: I agree - it's like they have some weird bond and 6th sense.
We've been exposing E to some non-toddler foods... creamed kale, Caesar salad, salmon, Brussel sprouts, swordfish steaks, seaweed seasoning, gyros, lobster bisque... actually the only thing she's been adamant about not liking is orzo pasta - which surprised us because the girl will eat her weight in rice. G's food options continue to expand... turkey, peas, spinach, carrots, peas, sweet potatoes, blueberries, apples, bananas, pears, and prunes. Daycare has been surprised that we haven't been

E's vocab has gotten more extensive - from animal identification (Elephant, cow, puppy, giraffe, bear) to clothing (sock-ey, shoe, pants, coat, hat) to other randoms - bite, messy, cheers, funny, sleepy... we are catching on to more and more.
However here's the phase we are in... that is driving her father and I crazy... everything is thrown and doors - ugh - she is insistent that doors need to shut... when she comes in a room, when she leaves a room. ALL the time.
Supper time
EER not happy with her meat.
EER throws food from table.
MJR begins to get after her.
EER with arms outstretched: It Fall Down.
ALR turns away.