After a busy week, heck a busy month, things may finally be beginning to settle. The summer sun is fading and the fall leaves are filling the yard. Eleanor and I took probably one of our last strolls through the garden and she picked a few tomatoes and popped them right into her mouth. It's getting harder and harder to find the red ones for her. We've taken almost all the garden out, just a few tomato bushes left that we are hoping turn before the chill drops even more.
Grady and I went to Well Baby check this week, he's up another 1/2 a pound and almost another inch. We'll see what they say at his 2 month appointment but he's growing for sure. He's also ornerier than he's been, howling or sleeping seems to be his two favorite activities. Eleanor has taken a special interest in him lately and wants to give him her pretend bottle and insists on putting a blanket on him whenever he doesn't have one. We are still working on what gentle means... we may have a long road on that one.

The weekend was busy. Starting with Friday night, the Erickson's stopped by to visit. We were able to pick up right where we've left off with them. Good friends are a wonderful thing. On Saturday, Matt ended up working a morning shift at the airport. When he got home, we packed up and drove out to Dickinson for Alice's first birthday. It's been ages since we've seen her and it was fun to celebrate the little button. She's got a great disposition and the cutest butt scoot! Was fun to see her interact and her and Eleanor even got to play a bit. She was pretty dainty with her cake, which made me chuckle. On Sunday, Matt went out to help with fall calves, leaving me solo again. Mornings are tough with my brood... everyone wants something at the same time. I was finally able to catch my breath in the afternoon, in time for Petroffs to stop over after visiting the pumpkin patch. Seeing the girls play together was sweet. Eleanor is struggling a bit with sharing and frustration and what not but when they started playing peek a boo and even hugged goodbye, it warmed my heart!
Best meal: tuna steaks with a four cheese rice and steamed green beans.
MJR comes home from picking up EER from daycare
MJR: We raise a strong female with leadership skills and they make it sound like it's a bad thing.
ALR: What do you mean?
MJR: Well, daycare says she's the alpha in the room and she gets the kids to do what she wants them to do.
ALR: Alpha?
MJR: See, that's a leader... it's just different terminology
ALR: What if they don't do what she wants them to do
MJR: Well they also mentioned something about hitting, possibly biting, pushing, and throwing toys
ALR: Gee, if only she had some spirit.
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