- We are sensing there could be hoarding tendencies starting to emerge. She likes to pick up as many items as she can... whether it be birthday cards, screws from her toolkit, farm animals, and then carry them around to put them down somewhere only to pick them up. The hard part is that she usually doesn't pick them up in an organized fashion resulting in them dropping to the ground, leading her to pick the dropped item up resulting in other items dropping causing frustration and sadness.
- She's learning the idea behind "you can't have your cake and eat it too." She wants to wear her garden gloves but once they are on, she has a tizzy and shakes them off. However once they are off then she wants them back on. Same thing with her oversized clog slippers.
She doesn't seem to slow down... she's constantly busy. She takes stairs like a champ, both up and down. She knows where her belly and her toes are if you ask... nose is next. She knows places she's not supposed to go so if you see her and go to get her she goes faster for them! She likes to swing and "mow" the concrete. She'll look at books to her hearts content... she's only over 13 months but I wonder where the baby that I had went? Daycare says she's a joy to have, which makes my heart warm.

best meal: breakfast was fun.. and it's always pretty good!
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