Matt's been pressuring me for some time to take a weekend just the two of us and with the runway project in a good place and two willing babysitters to come from Lansford AND a good reason to go, we left Eleanor in Bismarck and headed to Deadwood for the weekend. One of our friends, Becca, was getting married and she's always been there to support our friendship/relationship so we wanted to be sure to be part of her big day.

It was an intimate wedding at a black hills lodge with a reception at a neighboring lodge. The location was very wooded and scenic and had beautiful little touches of Becca and Mike. Her dresses (yes, plural) were beautiful. One was long while the second for the dance was short. Both stunning and fit her well. Friends and family were so nice and it was even nice to run into a couple friends that we'd partied with previously in Dickinson.
It did have a nostalgic feel to me... a very much end of an era feel. I had partied with Becca many times and we'd done and seen so many things -

from an attempted roller derby match to shoveling snow/chipping ice in the drive way to after bar scenes... there were many stories and many laughs and as I sat there round and pregnant I realized that I was so glad my party days and memories happened (and when they happened) but that they were memories now. We are officially growing up... I now worry about vegetables and child proofing. I go to bed around 9:30 - which was when I used to start to head out for the night. I have phone full of pictures versus selfies and I have an eye on the future with my heart in the present as best as possible.

It was a lot of miles in a short amount of time again to talk, think, theorize with Matt... which we did a lot when we were first married but not as much recently. He did let me grab a cat nap too - which was a rarity for us too. On the way back, we drove by our Dickinson houses, including the first place we lived together in. We were surprised how it looked and was allowed to get so overgrown. Nike would be so angry.

It was nice to share a dance and some moments with Matt, hard for me to not worry about her as she's always had one of us there but I know she had a good time and the hug when we got home made my heart feel better.
After Michele and Randy said their good byes, we did head up stairs and started working on his crib as it had come previously in the week, while Matt was gone. He had a bit of help that was excited to take part in the process.
Best meal: hmmm... we grabbed a snack at the Bowman c-store, we had appetizers at the Gem in Deadwood (chizlets and a quesadilla), and had supper at Becca's reception. The dessert that her step sister made was so amazing though! Who doesn't love wedding cupcakes?
MJR: that was a nice wedding.
ALR: yes, it was.
MJR: not the nicest I've been to, but then again it's hard to compete with our wedding.
ALR: you are supposed to say that.. and I agree with you. Do you think we could do it again?
MJR: You've asked before and I always give you the same answer.
ALR: So you'll think about it?