Birthdays and parties consumed most of last week... the most beautiful thing happened though. Every year the trees bloom, I wait each year in huge anticipation for it. This year they started right before her birthday... were at the prime on her day and all I could hope for was that they were sticking around for her party. They did! On Sunday, when we woke up there had been a lot of wind that night and the yard was filled with the blooms that had previously been on the tree. It looked like a bridal party had happened on our yard. I couldn't have been more happy in this year's blooms. It was a beautiful start to my very first Mother's Day.
Matt and Eleanor had worked out a beautiful schedule with a wonderful menu... but like many things, the best plans need to be flexible. Between naps, eating, and whatnot... the day didn't go as planned... Matt felt horrible. I was totally okay with it... what is hard to explain is that my favorite days are us doing things around the house, together, as a family. That's exactly what we did. We put together some of her new toys, we went to pick out some of the garden vegetables and got them planted, we did laundry, we cleaned up... we were us... and that's my favorite type of day. It was also very special to me that I got to celebrate my first mother's day on the one year anniversary of when we brought our Eleanor home from the hospital. The beauty of that will hit me from every Mother's Day on.
Best meal: Matt made breakfast for Eleanor and I.... french toast, eggs, and potatoes... we all ate together, which is sometimes a feat in itself... and then us adults had virgin mimosas.

ALR: It's okay.. you didn't know the zoo didn't open up til later.
MJR: Yeah, we could have gone.
ALR: Someone really needed a nap and I'd rather have her nap here and be content then us there and crabby.
MJR: And I got lox for you for breakfast and with you being pregnant, I forgot you can't eat them.
ALR: It's okay... they freeze well, there's always next year on that.
ALR chuckles: Do you find it funny that your children really loused up your Mother's Day plans for me?
MJR: I just wanted it special for your first Mother's Day.
ALR: It is special, I am a mother and you thinking of me and trying made it even more special.
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