Maybe she had had a long week and was ready for some exclusive us time too? Who knows. She spent the day with Dad because no daycare (Easter Monday), she found out about the whole brother thing, she's working on 4 teeth on the top - 2 cutting, 2 threatening to cut, and then on Friday she wore Grandma Di out - as they spent the day together because daycare took an off day. She's getting so busy - walking, conversing, and into everything. I know Matt and I need to work on finding new things to say beside "No," "What are you doing?" "Where did you go?" "That's not yours" and the newest "Ucky!" By the end of the days on both Saturday and Sunday I was spent!

Best meal: Not sure if I can say this was the best nutritional meal but we took Eleanor to her first fast food restaurant - Taco Bell. She's had some familiarity as it was a main staple in my pregnancy but she's not had it out-o-the-womb. We ordered her a cheese quesadilla with chicken.... she devoured it. Full hand in the mouth to ensure she was savoring each bite. I'm sure we are putting ourselves in the worst parent of the world for feeding the baby greasy fast food but she sure thought we were wonderful.
With finding out about the boy, it's been a busy week to talk nursery and plans. Eleanor will be moving into the bigger room upstairs and the baby will get the nursery with her crib and dresser. Matt and I agreed if it was boy, we'd have a nautical theme. Matt had a clear vision for what that meant, which if you as him I believe he'd mention "modern," "contemporary," and "crisp lines." Don't ask him to interpret that. We went to hobby lobby as a family and got all set up. We picked out paint colors, we picked out furniture that just needs to be ordered. We made huge progress in a short amount of time. I can't believe we are 1. having a baby, 2. having a boy, 3. having a baby that is 1 year old. I have been having trouble with the idea of her moving out of the nursery so any type of progress has been hard to prepare mentally for. I know Matt's been patiently waiting for me to keep things moving.
Because we're having a boy there's been some interesting conversations around our house.
MJR gets out of the shower while ALR is putting on make up one morning.
ALR: How do you clean a penis?
MJR stares: Uh, what?
ALR: How do you clean a penis? You know when Eleanor has a poopy diaper, new baby is going to have a poopy diaper and I don't know what to do there.
MJR: You use a baby whip and clean it all off and clean the other parts too.
ALR makes gross gag face: Other parts, Ewwwww! Not ready for this.
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