We ensured that she got herself measured up... all 27" of her! I don't know who was more proud of themselves... her for standing up and getting measured or Matt for still being the tallest in the Moser family! Either way, we all have our place on the wall!
Matt did fill both tags and had a really good time with Jaden and Sam who served as their neighborhood guides. They were deer hunting as well and Jaden got his buck.
On Sunday, we took it easy - it was practically a pajama day. We bummed around the house. Eleanor is getting very mobile and it's obvious as she's starting to get into things... it's only a matter of time.
best meal: it's always fried chicken and gravy with my Grandma... and she made angel food cake. Best meal ever.
having blts.
Eric: What's the sliced avocado for?
MJR: Amanda likes them on BLTs.
ALR: You can have some.
MJR: You don't want to add mayo and avocado tho.
Eric: I can do both, cause this is 'Merica.
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