It's been a full week... it started out historical... for the first time in 108 years, the Cubs won the World Series. Matt was a full range of emotion. The highs were high, the lows were low. The nerves were raw and in the end when Rizzo caught the ball and made history, there was a sweet relief.

This past weekend we went to Lansford for opening deer weekend and unofficial Remynse brother reunion. Kevin and Jan came from California, Rick came from Michigan, and we came up with Eric. It was a full house, for sure. Was so nice to introduce them to Len - she was on her best behavior and had all the right smiles at all the right times. She did sleep pretty well though as it's hard work to be such a good baby. Grandma and Grandpa also got the opportunity to feed her some solid foods. They found out that this is still a process - we are getting better but mastery is still a bit off.
Eleanor even had the appropriate wardrobe as Great Uncle Kevin got her a camo shirt that she wore and Auntie Alaina had given her a hunting dog shirt that fit.
We had too nice of weather while we were there, who would have thought that the first week of November we'd be seeing record temps, 76 degrees.
There were a couple goals while we were there. Matt and Eric's goal was to go goose hunting. While they went, they didn't get anything except the opportunity to take out all their decoys and open up the blind for a bit. The weather was too nice and the birds just wouldn't come in.

Randy and Kevin's goal was to take down a few deer. Both managed to come up successful. We were there when Randy got his and had an impressive shot of 200 yards with the deer going down. The buck was pretty good sized and required 4 Remynses to get it into the truck to haul it off.

My and Michele's goal was to get into the house that they are purchasing. I'm so glad that Michele has found a house that she's in love with and with a little bit of land, they have room to spread out. Whether it's a large herb garden, rows of corn and raspberries, a poll barn, an apple tree... they have the space to make some options. I would expect to maybe even see a swingset. It's a beautiful property that needs a lot of love right now. I'm excited to see Michele's vision come through as she's assessing the current layout, picking out cupboards, and thinking about the big details.
We also toured the property and was amazed at what we found, in the potato cellar, there was so much junk to see. That project may come a couple years down the road.

Best meal: Kevin and Jan brought up salmon, tuna, and crab to share with the group. They know the way to my heart. With both fish prepared a different way it was all so good! I know I've said it before and I'll say it again, Kevin really is wonderful!
Michele to EER: Oh, Baby you look so good in green!
MJR to ALR: Wasn't she so beautiful in blue yesterday?
ALR: Yes.
MJR: Hasn't she said the same thing about red and yellow?
ALR: Yes.
MJR: Hmmm.
ALR to MJR: Do you see that (pointing to Randy who is feeding EER squash)
MJR snickers: yes, he has a unique approach there.
ALR: I don't think that he's realized that if you hold her hand down that also makes you one handed.