October is officially here. We are fully in Fall. In my house there is talk of hunting and jerky and deer and birds and smokers. It's been interesting have 2 men in the house who talk the same language and get excited off each other's conversation in relation to the previously mentioned items. Len and I don't really care, except when we have other things to discuss with these men or want other things done.
Eric has been helping out with Len. He fed her the other night and it was nice to be able to get some stuff done around the kitchen while she attempted to eat mush through her chin. I don't think he's independently changed a diaper yet (#1 or #2) but we are working in baby steps here.

Other big happenings include the All Breed Cattle Tour held by the ND Stockmen's Association. Mom and Dad were a stop this year and they went all out in getting ready. This is why Matt made so many trips out to help and they also mowed, cleaned up, and prepared for the 118 people in multiple cars and two buses to come to the place. Len and I went out to take it all in as I know Dad was excited to play host and show off what he's been working on for 30 years. He even did a radio spot with Red River Farm Network.

October 5th was a big day in our house... for a couple reasons! Len ate avocado - her first real solid food! Matt's been anxiously waiting for this.

At work, I did a little volunteering at my favorite Bismarck family place, the zoo! At work, they asked if we could come help out by raking leaves. It was odd to see the zoo so quiet and empty - I think the animals appreciated a little activity too. We were watched by the cats and the bears!
On the Eleanor front, she's discovered how to blow raspberry spits. The other night, she proceeded to blow and blow and blow, paying little attention to the adults in the house. When I finally went over to interact and check what all the noise was about I discovered she had created Lake Len in the tray of her exersaucer! Later that night, when we went to bed, we listened to her through the monitor razz away. That night after her 4:00am feeding, more spitting, and the next morning, that's how we knew she was awake!

We had a busy weekend! Saturday was my cousin, Twila's wedding to Nick. This was Len's second wedding. She looked pretty cute and was pretty good. She even got a nap in during the ceremony so she wasn't too loud. This was the first time she met a lot of the Moser family. It was fun to show her off. There was some definite discussion on who she looks like... we got all sorts of answers to Matt, myself, a combination, my dad, and her second cousin, Thane. She did tucker out and woke up mid dance slightly crabby, which was our cue to take her home. It was a beautiful wedding and Twila's dress reminded me of Great Gatsby. In thinking back, I'm not sure what my favorite part was... when her and Wade sat at the end of the aisle and he looked at her and I lipread "Ready" and she gave him a smile and nodded OR when they danced their father/daughter dance. Their relationship was obvious and beautiful.

The other reason October 5th was a big deal was that Alice Darlene made her way into the world. I joke that Alice is going to be Len's best friend but I am excited to watch these two grow up together. Shantelle and Rick have been such good friends and a big part of our life. We continue to experience life together at the same pace and I'm excited to watch them grow into their parenting. I have a feeling that this is the first of many pics of these two.
Best meal: After we saw Alice, Matt suggested we go to El Sombrero, like the old days. I enjoyed Chicken chimichanga - no pico and a boat of white sauce with chips and salsa!
ALR: okay, I want to put her down and we'll get a picture of them together.
ALR sets Alice on blanket with EER.
ALR: I think we'll have to hold Sassafrass's arms down, she's a bit wild today!
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