Wedding Day! With a light breakfast, we headed down the hill to get final preparations in place. Judy had so many details in her mind and it was amazing to see all the details come together. It was a beautiful day and I love a wedding that is true to the bride and groom. Not only did Judy look amazing but I loved the personal touches... like Judy's boots peeking out the back or Liam's vest matching Chris's, or the fact that they will also remember the tree that they exchanged their vows and the meadow in front of the creek where they had their first dance.
This was another first of Len's ... her first wedding. She was very good for the most part. It was also the first... and probably last time that she saw her Grandmother in cowboy boots! It was also her first dance... Matt and I managed to get one in.. well, one with a sleeping baby.

It was nice to dress up and enjoy the day. Len didn't have trouble finding people to fall in love with her... she had a few people whisk her away quite easily, including Becky who had made the blanket that we've used so much.

At about 7:00 - someone tuckered herself out and was falling asleep at the table. We hiked up the hill and put her to bed. I watched her and Liam fall asleep and put them off to bed. It did make me laugh to watch the fun on the dance floor as well a hear the DJ. I also had to chuckle at watching the bride and maid of honor change their clothes and head back down the hill dance and fall from a canoe into a creek.

Best meal: Judy and Michele picked amazing options from the caterer including the meat balls, the pasta, and the chicken. There was so much food to enjoy!
Michele: Well, Judy, I'm glad you finally went and done it, made an honest man out of Chris....
Judy: Oh my gosh - I just realized that I didn't get a picture with you in my dress.
ALR: Well, you can put it on tomorrow and we'll retake pictures.
Judy: Yes!
ALR: Judy, you will not! Ha! We will take one now all married and such.
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