
Friday, May 13, 2016

Letter to my baby's daddy

To the father of my daughter -

Thank you-
We made it through the 9 months of pregnancy. Yes, there were meltdowns. Yes, we had happiness.
Yes, we had questions. Yes, there was snoring. Yes, there were anger. Yes, I developed these urges where I thought you should just shut up if you knew what was good for you....but we made it. I have a feeling it was just the training wheels for this whole parenting thing but my favorite thing through it was us. That we had each other and that we continue to make each other a priority. This has been a constant theme in our relationship and I want it in writing to remind us to keep it that way.

I do love us and I understand your fear of losing the special things that make us, us. I see parenting as a further solidification of us. We've covered some heavy topics over the past couple months and these conversations have put so much of me at ease because it's a constant reminder that we have each other. I am constantly in awe of the things that you do for me - the little things that let me know you are thinking of me, you accept me, and you love me. You truly are my partner - which is far beyond what the average husband provides his wife.

Thank you for your patience, your words, your honesty, your backing, your listening, your suggestions, and your occasional pick me up when I was stuck on the couch or floor. I'm excited to continue this journey with you... not sure where we are going, what the heck we are doing but the glorious trainwreck of our parenting will be something we do together.

Love - wifey

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