The past couple weeks have been a blur. Well, a blur of three hour sections. I was going to try and break things up and report back as best as possible but I just had a baby and I think the world will forgive me for being a bad blogger. This parenting thing started off with an amazing emotional explosion of bliss. Here's a little breakdown of how things rolled out....
Week 1: There was an elation about being done with the pregnancy and seeing her and enjoying her and being able to hold her. Sure I was sore, sure I was taking enough steroids to down a horse to get rid of the pups, but I was completely elated in life with my amazing husband and my beautiful daughter. I'd find myself with the weepies when I thought about just how fabulous everything was. We had a nice system down (unrealistic to continue when Matt went back to work full time but nice). At night, when she'd want to feed - I'd wake Matt, he'd go get her and bring her to bed, we'd nurse, I'd wake Matt when she was finished and he'd take her back. We'd repeat this every 3 hours. We'd sleep in late. I also lost 40 pounds that first week - I'd love that to happen anytime.
ALR: Let's get you back to you crib, Len. I think we need to check what's in your diaper though.
MJR: I bet it's buttchecks.
MJR: I bet it's buttchecks.
Week 2: This was when reality begins to set in. I'm realizing I'm tethered to the house to a certain
degree. I am unable to lift anything past 10 pounds. Well, when your baby is born at 9 pounds, 6 oz - that really limits it to pretty much her. Meaning, I can't put her in the car seat and go as easily as I planned. Even if I wanted to go I was somewhat stuck as she's consistently wanting to eat every three hours. Even if I could go and could get my timing right, I looked like a trainwreck! Showering suddenly had become a bit of a luxury and dry shampoo was my new best friend. Matt had returned to work fulltime and while an amazing help when he got home with meal prep, cleaning, and continuing to get things done outside, I had amazing guilt about him staying up with her when she got fussy at night and wouldn't go down well. I could sleep in more and nap in the afternoon, but someone had to pay the bills! We also hit a major accomplishment of returning back to our birth weight according to the WellBaby scales. This made me VERY happy because I had fears about her not getting enough milk and starving to death.
degree. I am unable to lift anything past 10 pounds. Well, when your baby is born at 9 pounds, 6 oz - that really limits it to pretty much her. Meaning, I can't put her in the car seat and go as easily as I planned. Even if I wanted to go I was somewhat stuck as she's consistently wanting to eat every three hours. Even if I could go and could get my timing right, I looked like a trainwreck! Showering suddenly had become a bit of a luxury and dry shampoo was my new best friend. Matt had returned to work fulltime and while an amazing help when he got home with meal prep, cleaning, and continuing to get things done outside, I had amazing guilt about him staying up with her when she got fussy at night and wouldn't go down well. I could sleep in more and nap in the afternoon, but someone had to pay the bills! We also hit a major accomplishment of returning back to our birth weight according to the WellBaby scales. This made me VERY happy because I had fears about her not getting enough milk and starving to death.
MJR: Can you imagine if we had twins?
ALR: Oh. my. gawd. The whole idea makes me exhausted.
MJR: I know I said I wanted them when we started but I'm really glad we just have her.
ALR: All the diapers and the feedings.
ALR: Oh. my. gawd. The whole idea makes me exhausted.
MJR: I know I said I wanted them when we started but I'm really glad we just have her.
ALR: All the diapers and the feedings.
We also got her newborn photo session taken care of. I will admit, she was very good, especially the first half. She worked with the outfits and the poses and while I would have been good with her crashing into sleep, she was awake and content. She didn't end as strong but it's hard to be the center of attention when you are that little. I can't wait to see what Jess got - We've had her do many of our shoots including an engagement shoot, Matt's professional head shots, our 1st year anniversary shots, our maternity shots, and now Len's first year sessions.
Week 3: I come to the realization that I don't sleep anymore. I nap. I take 2 hours naps at night and when I can sneak them into the day. I also wonder how single moms do it, I wonder how people get stuff done, I wonder how people function when they have multiple kids. The house is staying decent but I feel like I am not getting anything accomplished during the day. Matt and I have the same conversation to reassure me that this is okay.
ALR: I didn't get what I wanted done today.
MJR: Is our daughter fed and taken care of?
ALR: Yes, I suppose so.
MJR: That's your job and she looks beautiful - you are doing great.
ALR: Thanks, I think I needed to hear that.
MJR: Is our daughter fed and taken care of?
ALR: Yes, I suppose so.
MJR: That's your job and she looks beautiful - you are doing great.
ALR: Thanks, I think I needed to hear that.
We went to another WellBaby appointment and she's just shy of 10 pounds so they are very happy with her gain - which makes me so happy. A couple days after Wellbaby, her belly button finally fell off too! We've been waiting for that for awhile.
MJR comes downstairs after changing a diaper.
MJR: Hold out your hand.
ALR holds out hand: Ahhh man, you better not put poop in it.
MJR places belly button in hand.
ALR suddenly realizes they are "those people"
MJR: Hold out your hand.
ALR holds out hand: Ahhh man, you better not put poop in it.
MJR places belly button in hand.
ALR suddenly realizes they are "those people"
We may be falling into a bit of routine. I'm not sure if we can call it that. I'm healing well from the c-section. Some things are still a bit hard and find myself getting up or leaning forward with more consciousness but the incision looks good and I'm continuing to do a bit more, walk more, and I'm anxious for the weight restrictions to be lifted.
ALR sees teenagers across the way on the walking path.
ALR: Look at those teenage boys.
MJR looks over.
ALR: Look how dumb they look with their shirts around their necks like that! Is that how the kids are wearing them now?
MJR stares at ALR
ALR suddenly horrified: Oh My GOsH! I am a middle aged mom!
ALR: Look at those teenage boys.
MJR looks over.
ALR: Look how dumb they look with their shirts around their necks like that! Is that how the kids are wearing them now?
MJR stares at ALR
ALR suddenly horrified: Oh My GOsH! I am a middle aged mom!
In the meantime the world continues to happen despite me noticing. Matt had a huge week when Trump made a trip to North Dakota by way of the Bismarck Airport. He worked with the Secret Service and it was amazing to see the coverage and hear the details of the short visit of this presidential hopeful. Matt would have gotten a tour of the plane; however, Trump was named the official GOP candidate that day and this limited the amount of access to him and his plane.
We've also done a bit with the garden. We finally got all the potted veggies in. Mom gave us a few and we picked up a few. Eleanor wasn't much help in putting them in this year but she's wasn't too much of a hindrance either... so that's a win. We did have some time where she wanted to be rocked while we were doing it so I rocked and supervised my staff! Matt has also taken on the role of official tree trimmer at our house. We have been wanting to clean up our bigger backyard trees for some time and after getting a few quotes, realized that we may be in the wrong business! He took it upon himself and trimmed up some problem limbs we have.
I also had one of two baby showers. Gerry Ann put on a Baldwin neighborhood shower and invited some of the girls from the Baldwin Birthday club. It was fun to see them, hear the advice that they gave (seasoned pros may be an understatement), show off Len - who charmed them all with her disposition and good looks, and get out for the night. It was a wonderful evening which started as a wonderful day because Mom came down and spent time helping me catch up around the house and also a little time with Len.
Matt has also had a few faux camping experiences. We've gone up to see Randy
and Michele at the camper and they've got to get out on the water a bit and Matt even managed to catch a few fish. Makes me glad to see him enjoying himself - we have plans to get out and camp a bit, our first trip out may be the fourth of July. By that time, I'll be more of help in getting the camper ready!

Best meal: What's been amazing is the meals that our mothers have made in advance for us. There have been some nights where Len doesn't want to sleep like an angel, leaving me playing catch up the next day. Those meals come in really handy those days as I don't have the mind space to meal plan and I know Matt will want to eat! Plus they always have enough for left overs the next day for lunch for us too! Makes me so blessed to have these women in our lives willing to help out.
ALR: Honey, can you go change her diaper and bring her?
MJR gets out of bed.
Five minutes later over the intercom
MJR: ugh.
MJR: Ahhh, quit rolling in it.
three minutes later, MJR walks in with EER who is only in a diaper. Hands over EER to ALR and walks out.
ALR hears noises coming from nursery and seconds later hears washing machine going.
MJR reappears and climbs back into bed.
ALR: Soooooo?
MJR: I don't want to talk about it.
MJR gets out of bed.
Five minutes later over the intercom
MJR: ugh.
MJR: Ahhh, quit rolling in it.
three minutes later, MJR walks in with EER who is only in a diaper. Hands over EER to ALR and walks out.
ALR hears noises coming from nursery and seconds later hears washing machine going.
MJR reappears and climbs back into bed.
ALR: Soooooo?
MJR: I don't want to talk about it.