Matt also took advantage of the weather and mowed the grass this week to get the dead stuff off the top. I know this is the start of the craziness that ensues with the lawn....there's already been talk of prepping it. To think, I used to ensure I didn't water it and I never dreamed of fertilizing... more of those things meant more cutting! Glad he has a hobby that keeps him at home!

MJR standing in front of booth: How long is this gonna take.ALR: Probably another hour at least.MJR gives whiney face.ALR: You knew it was a set up night. I didn't hide that from you.MJR: Yeah, but I didn't think you were gonna take everything out of the boxes.
ALR: How do you expect people to buy? Just guess what things look like.
MJR: That's what you have catalogs for.
MJR: That's what you have catalogs for.
ALR: Go take a drive.

I got down with the home show a little early and we headed out for maternity pictures. We've known and used Jess's work for awhile now. She took an engagement shot for us, Matt's business headshots, our first year anniversary shots and we were so happy when she came up with a baby package for us. We took our maternity pictures and I'm excited to see how they turned out. I did think it was really special that while we were taking pictures she was moving around like crazy!

On Sunday morning, we went to breakfast with Rick and Shantelle. They are 20 weeks behind us in pregnancy and it's exciting to see them planning and prepping. We planned our weddings together, how ironic to do this together as well! Was good to catch up just a bit.
How to know if you are a true hockey fan...
1. You watch the game again the next night, like you would a tv show rerun.
2. You know almost to the second when the goals are coming.
3. Even though you knew the goals were coming, you still cheer when they happen.
4. You still get goosebumps when you win.
5. You "plan" to leave it on your DVR until next season starts.
Best meal: I finally got to have a chicken chimichanga from El Sombrero with their white cheese sauce. I've been craving it on a regular basis for months.

Cravings: Nothing really this week. I have had to finish meals with something sweet whether it's chocolate, carmel rolls, or whatnot.
Pregnancy Symptoms: starting weekly appointments. According to Dr. Jan, baby is measuring a big - which doesn't change my due date just means a bigger size. Swelling feet, legs, and hands. Tiredness. Slow walking. Snoring.
We also received our second care package from Judy - I hope this baby knows how loved she is before she even gets here. Judy's neighbor Becky made a beautiful blanket - so soft!
MJR is laying in bed when ALR gets there (Saturday night).
ALR lays down.
MJR: Today was just the best day.
ALR laughs: Should I be concerned that you spent it mostly without me? Ha!
MJR: We won!
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