On Tuesday, we were lucky to celebrate our friend, Jon's birthday. He and Kim were in town for work related stuff but we had a great night at the Bistro. They are such a fun couple for us because of the connections with the airport, hunting, traveling, fishing, etc. We always have time fly by with them.

The weekend started the best way possible, with pizza. I pushed Matt to make a new pizza, cheeseburger. I would say it turned out pretty well. I have looked forward to the weekend or should I say, sleep-in days. Matt went on morning fish trips, I organized the house and listened to Lola scream to be let outside. I did end up going for a drive with him looking for river fishing holes.
Best meal: Jon's birthday meal at Bistro with caprese salad to start and bananas flambe to finish it up.Name of the week: Eila
Cravings: tacos and nibs & starburst (for the texture)
Pregnancy symptoms: swelling/water retention, dysgeusia, tiredness, indigestion, hugeness
MJR looking at ALR get ready for bed.
ALR: What?
MJR: I just didn't realize how big you've gotten.
ALR stares at him.
MJR continue to look.
ALR: If that's your attempt to make me feel good about myself it's not helping.
MJR: No, you look good, I just really hadn't looked.
MJR continues to look.
ALR: Did you think I was joking when I said I think I doubled in size this past weekend? Like bread dough.
ALR shuts door on MJR.
Next morning, ALR kisses MJR goodbye.
MJR: you are doing a really good job of housing our daughter.
ALR: thanks, her lease is about up.
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