A slow weekend... so there may be a trend as we've been taking it easy the past couple weeks. It may also be because I'm small-condo sized and enjoy the homebody ways lately. This taking it easy has also been killing Matt who has cabin fever and travel fever. I get the travel fever, I want to go places too... after all we really don't have a trip on the books until this coming fall - we never go this long without some sort of plan.

Best meal: Mom made me potato soup which is always a favorite in my world. Matt's not a fan so she made him tacos.
Name of the week: Aileen
Cravings: milk, skittles
Pregnancy symptoms: frequent trips to the bathroom, night sweats, increase in size, tight shoes (which could be a result of growing feet), lack of sleep, absentmindedness (mom-nesia), baby movements
MJR walks into kitchen: Is that my shirt?
ALR: Yes.
MJR stares back
ALR lamenting: I wanted to be comfortable!! All my t-shirts are getting snug and don't feel good!
MJR: It's fine, I just didn't know we were to that stage yet.
ALR: Well, I'm not tickled about it either. (looking pathetic)
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