Another quiet week. It went by very quick so when the weekend came, we stayed low-key and took it easy.

We did a few big things in the garden, including the beginning of cleaning. We hauled out the beans and the cucumbers that had gotten a bit dried out from the 100 degree weather. We picked tomatoes, we examined peppers, we admitted that we were close to be done for the season. I learned I'm a terrible pumpkin grower because I'm down to one potential pumpkin. I say potential and cross my fingers. We pulled up an onion to see how we were coming along. We planted these from seed and don't expect much. I'll honestly say they were bigger than I anticipated!
Michele did come down this past Wednesday so it was good to see her out and having a great day! Was fun to have supper with her, show her the garden, catch up a bit.

Matt got into baking on Sunday, before we headed over to the neighborhood meeting and potluck. He made pretzels! For a first attempt, they were very good. I know he wants to perfect some more and I'm afraid my carb free diet attempts are going right out the window!
On a side note, I think I hate taking pics of people with my camera on my phone. I get mad because it can't focus. But I don't realize it until I look at them after the fact. Grrrr.
Best meal: We had a few good ones this week. The one that really hit the spot and hit my craving was MacNCheese from Old Chicago. You build your own with sauce, meat, and toppings. mmmmmmm
ALR goes to sit with MJR, who is at the counter working.
ALR leans into him.
ALR: I love you.
MJR: I love you.
ALR: This time say it with more feeling.
MJR: I love you.
ALR: You said it the exact same way.
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