Those weeks where you get behind and can’t catch up…yeah think I’m there. It was a beautiful labor day weekend. While the company was great, the good was wonderful, the fish were in the boat, and the camper stayed dry…I guess those are the things that count!

Matt caught the first couple fish…..but the next day the slayers caught up with him. We caught at Audubon. I should say “they” because I just sat in the boat or slept in the truck. The first day was slow but Michele and Randy connected with a guide for Sunday and they didn’t have a problem limiting out.

We stayed at Cross Ranch State Park, which we didn’t know until getting there that it’s the “Primitive Camping Park” …glad we didn’t need the air conditioner! We even put the heater on at night and the rain came down and made a messy camp ground. Good thing for the fire, was almost too big for s’mores but I prevailed. I had to get a final in for the season.
We also brought our rehearsal cake, made by one of my bridemaids, Shantelle. After 1 year…it was still good and we were all surprised by how moist it was. The frosting didn’t look as pristine but the flavor made up for it.

We are also starting to benefit from the garden season. We thought we’d have a hard time since we are squatters but we actually are nice benefits as we’ve had a few take pity on us! The peppers are both from my mother’s garden and Matt’s mother’s garden. These are both jalapeno’s but I think it’s safe to say Michele raises peppers with more tenacity than my mother. We’ve canned a few things including jams (peach basil, peach jalapeno, strawberry basil, and jalapeno) and tomatoes, salsa, pickled beets, borsch soup, and beet syrup.
Best meal: Matt’s porkchops…….he does them so well!
ALR: Have you talked to your parents this week yet?
MJR: (thinking)
ALR: I’ve talked to mine.
MJR: (eyes roll)
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