
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Diving, Deere, and Dears

There are weekends that wreck of summer….this past weekend was that weekend. It was gorgeous and the sun was shining and we spent it in a camper by the lake. What more could you want!

This past week started off with some green…John Deere Green to be exact. Dad got his new drill delivered and he proceeded to hay all week. Matt and I tried to help out around the house some but I forgot how seasonal the farm is. You make hay while the sun shines. That trumps stacking bales but may tie with weed whacking, which is what he did. We also watched the finishing touches go on the garage including siding, windows, and soffits. Millie and Mama Kitty are upset that the doors are on and staying shut now but there has officially been a vehicle parked inside of it!
This weekend was one we’d looked forward to for a long time. It was the annual dive trip and training at the lake. Last year, this was one of the only camping trips that we were able to take. It was a beautiful weekend with sun and fun. It was so good to see Matt in dive gear and enjoy himself with the boys. He had two dives, which resulted in some cramping in his legs but I think the pain was worth the fun, especially when he had the highlight of the weekend, he shot a walleye. Jess had attempted a few times but after Matt grabbed it from him, he had a good shot. We didn’t get to have fish for dinner though because the fish played possum with Matt and swam off after he got off the spear.

It was nice to spend time with Kay and the kids again, someone that appreciates my s’more cooking ability.

ALR: Sissy, who is your favorite me or Matt?
K: Sissy, who is your favorite, Amanda or Matt?
Sissy: Matt.
K: Who is your favorite Matt or Amanda?
Sissy: Matt.
K: Hmmm, sometimes she always picks the last option, thought I could get that going for you. Sorry.

We’ve accepted an offer on the Dickinson home! AND we have officially removed a majority of the contingencies off the Dickinson home…We are set to close on September 19th, fingers are crossed and breaths are being held. We’ll head back at least once more to take a load back to Bis to storage and we’ll close the chapter on our first house. Bittersweet may be an understatement.
We have officially started looking at houses. I forgot how much “fun” that can be. House count: 7

We also pickled a CRAPTON of beats this weekend. If we get more, we’d like to either make beat jelly or make and can borscht soup. We’ll see. I also have jalapeno jelly on my wish list and of course salsa and pizza sauce and tomato soup and marinara…but we’ll see. My basket with tomatoes wasn’t as wonderful as I’d have hoped.

Best meal: Pizza pies on the fire with s’mores and the nutella dessert pie. I had a bad run with the starter but once I got in the groove, it was all pretty good.
Sitting down to look at houses online.
ALR: This one looks like it's in our price range. (pulls up picture)
MJR: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
ALR: What?
MJR: You don't see it?
ALR: (Looks at picture again)
MJR: It looks like it's screaming at us.
ALR: (Looks again and starts giggling)
MJR: I'd think a giant was eating us every time we park the car. AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

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