This weekend was a big one in terms of moving leaps in bounds in the moving process. Michele and Randy came over and were amazing life savers as they helped us load the trailer that we borrowed from my Scentsy Director, BettyJo. We took our first load over to our storage unit. Which was a bit sad and alarming. Sad because we have no clue when we'll ever see any of this stuff again and alarming because we began to debate on if we got a big enough storage unit. We did feel better on Monday when we took our second load over on Monday, on a whim. We got some bigger furniture pieces out and it felt good to see some of the progress. We figure we have a couple loads left...including some of the beast furniture (couches, my dresser, and the entertainment center).
The cats are NOT happy with the progress. At all. TonyDanza is stressing out because things are disappearing, boxes are out, he is not happy. Nike is irritated. They have been told what's going to happen but this made it more real for them. I hate stressing them out.
So I questioned Nike's intelligence. Kay and I were moving boxes and I didn't want to worry about the escape artists. I put TonyDanza and Lola into the main bathroom and then I put Nike into the kiddie room. Kay says to me, "that has a kitty door on the front" My response: "Yeah but I don't know if she knows how to use it. If we come back and she's out, I guess I'll have my answer." We take a load up and when we come back Nike is sitting down there. Looking impressed at me. ALR: "I'm sorry Nike, I should never have questioned your mental abilities." She left and never did come back downstairs.Best meal: The food could have been a toss up, but the company was the winning factor. Michele and Randy agreed that we'd have Texas Roadhouse to celebrate the start of the move. The other honorable mention meal was burgers we had a JL Beers to celebrate our second load, let's be honest, it wasn't a real celebration, more of Iwantagoodburger time.
ALR buys groceries. They are still sitting out when MJR comes home.
MJR: What is this?? Oatmeal Cream pies? Little Debbie pies? Is there something wrong? Are you dieing? Am I dieing?
ALR: (eye roll) I do do nice things for you. *this was 2 days before the ER visit. A little ironic.
Matt has had many friends in his life and have contributed and influenced him (good and bad).
This picture includes some of my favorites. I know I am dreading saying goodbye to some of the fire hall guys who call him on the carpet, remind him how good he has it, aspire him to smoke meat and grill more, and also provide him with some of the camaraderie that I know he needs. Those guys have been there for him and made Dickinson a home for the past years. I know I will miss them and I know he's dreading saying good-bye.
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