Matt's week started off pretty busy. He made a trip to Williston by private plane to visit with the FAA Administer. He along with Bismarck, Minot, and Williston presented on their oil impacts to appointed Huerta as well as North Dakota Legislators and their aids. I know that this meeting was important to Matt and the airport and I was glad to get a full report when he got home.
I made a few trips to Bismarck this week but did stayed the whole weekend. We helped Mom and Dad out as they had their work cut out for themselves with taking care of calves. Matt was a "drencher" and I was a "filler" but we all were sorters. We had to separate moms and babies and run the babies thru the chute to treat them.
We were able to help 2 days. On Sunday, we had 5 people and that worked well, management even had time to carry around a pop! We were glad to see that Mom and Dad noticed a difference in the calves from the time they started working until the end. We just hope that we alleviated the stress. I do admit that I'm so happy and thankful for my husband. Not only him, by my mother-in-law, who made the trip down to assist with the sorting and treating on Monday. I know her roads were not ideal by any means. I'm not sure I will ever be able to express in words the appreciation I feel that they welcome and support this piece of my life that will never go away. The cattle and the family operation is the only thing that I know and has always been there and to now watch my husband sink in and not only contribute but also enjoy putting in a full days work. 
We came home on Sunday night but woke up to a winter wonderland on Monday morning. Just when we think that the weather is straightening up. We get blasted again on the 28th of April. I think we got more than the farm did, which I'm glad. Those calvies have had a rough run lately, I suppose I'll take the winter blow. Will it ever be spring?
Best meal: Although the food had a lot to be desired, we did have a nice meal with my sister. She was in town to visit a friend and stopped by to look at the house and take us out. She's got a lot of new things going on right now in her life!
While Watching the Tonight Show. Fallon had Brian Williams on.
MJR: Brian Williams is a handsome looking man.
ALR: (Eye Roll)
MJR: What? You don't think so?
ALR: I'm concerned that I hear more comments about handsome men than about your attraction to me.
MJR: No, you aren't listening to me right. I am attracted to you but if I were to look like a guy, I'd want to look like Brian Williams.
ALR: (raised eyebrow) If you were to look like a guy?
MJR: That came out wrong.
MJR: Brian Williams is a handsome looking man.
ALR: (Eye Roll)
MJR: What? You don't think so?
ALR: I'm concerned that I hear more comments about handsome men than about your attraction to me.
MJR: No, you aren't listening to me right. I am attracted to you but if I were to look like a guy, I'd want to look like Brian Williams.
ALR: (raised eyebrow) If you were to look like a guy?
MJR: That came out wrong.
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