
Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend At Home.

We are heading into winter. Cold days, watching the radar, checking the sky, and hoping that the plows don’t have to run. Matt had his first on-call weekend, which forced us to stay put and stay home this weekend. Despite being unable to get back to the farm, we did make the best of the situation and filled our time.

Saturday morning, we headed to the last DSU tailgating event. Matt had wanted to go to a game this year, but it never worked out. We did manage to make 2 tailgating events this year. Each one has a theme to give people inspiration for the grill. This week was wild game…we had a pheasant sandwich, elk chili, bison burger, and elk poppers. From there we went to the holiday craft show, there wasn’t much that I saw that I wanted, a few items, but nothing too badly. Matt wanted to get a rubber band gun rifle. I didn’t think it was necessary. We headed home to clean the basement. This has been on my mind for a couple months now and it’s been slow going. We actually made HUGE process. We had a constant audience to supervise our work, I suppose since they think it’s their domain. But it looked so nice when we had to quit for the day. There’s some work that still needs to be done, but it’s significantly better.

We had to quit because it was the spouse appreciation dinner at the fire hall. What a nice thing, the guys did a great job with the meat, as usual, and the wives all contributed sides. It was fun to socialize a bit but we had to cut it short because Matt had a hockey game. He looked so good out there with new equipment and sharpened skates. And after a few attempts at a goal, I was happy to see him get one in. He’ll get his jersey soon but he managed to get game MVP without it. I was pretty happy for him.

Sunday was a bit slower. Matt headed off to dive training and I played domestic goddess. I wrestled canning jars earlier this year…now it was time to take on the pumpkin. After discovering that one of the two was rotted, I opened up (with Matt’s assistance), the white pumpkin and cooked it and then later roasted the seeds. Matt was pretty happy with how they turned out.

The best part of the weekend….no snow, no plowing…and a clean basement. Oh…and the kitties got new cubes. Their old ones were demolished! But the best part of the week: Matt’s been mustache free for 7 days now.

Best meal of the week: The smoked brisket at the firehall with the great sides!

Because we left the fire hall and all noticed, they made a few comments about showing up to watch. And we shouldn't have been surprised when they were at the game!
Lindsay: “100% of the fan base is for Matt…oh shoot, that guy with those kids showed up….maybe we can convert them?”

ALR: (setting down the dish from the bedroom scentsy) “So I’m going to put this here on the counter to take up to the bedroom later, it has scentsy in it, don’t eat…”
MJR: “Shut it”

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