At the end of the runway in Simpson bay on Maho Beach we headed and there. We grabbed a seat, had a drink and watched the beach. I could tell Matt was anxious to get out onto the beach so I suggested that we get a bucket of beer and head out there, just in time for the first plane.
MJR: It’s coming!
ALR: I see it, it’s a plane.
MJR grabs for it…it comes out of ALR’s hand and smashes against the rock…he grabs it up and scampers up to the road and fence.
ALR (to herself): That is why I don’t have a big expensive camera.
So we watched the planes come in and leave. They got so close you could see the people in the windows. My favorite was them flying in…almost like they would take out a bus if it was parked on the road, but Matt loved when they took off. The first few showed me where the boundary-ish was on the beach to avoid the jet blast….and then came the 747.
When it was, Matt came over to me hunched and sandblasted and had the audacity to be pissed. Not for my safety or my concern. I could have lost an eyeball! But was pissed because I rode the jet blast of a 747 and he did not. I could have punched him. The 747 did not gun the engines at the end of the ramp like the rest but was powering up as he made the curve which was where I was dutifully standing, waiting with my camera. The sand was engrained in my skins, behind my ears, my arms, my legs. I had welts forming on my thighs, on my stomach, and my back. The sand in my hair was so gritty I couldn’t imagine how I was going to get it out….and he was pissed it wasn’t him. Frankly, so was I.
Other planes came and went and Matt picked up a few welts here and there and got covered in the sand, but nothing like the one KLM that ripped through. The cruisers left and we got hungry. We headed up to the bar for a meal. Matt ordered the Dutch Croquette von Dobben and Buttered Bun and I shared the KLM Pizza with him. On it was Pomodoro, mozzarella, prosciutto, funghi, (tomato, mozzarella, ham, and mushrooms). We enjoyed a few more planes before taking off to walk a bit around the area.
We wandered a bit in the shops that were nearby where I picked up a hat that I’d been looking for for some time. I asked Matt if he wanted cigars and he seemed surprised. I had assumed with us being so close to Cuba, we’d want to take advantage of that. (Foreshadowing for later). And with these purchases we continued on. We had a few drinks at a local bar and was ready to keep moving. The trick about St. Maarten versus Cabo is that the set up isn’t conducive to wandering and exploring. We ended up working to hail a tag with a friend/body builder who attempted to give me whistling lessons.
After splitting a gouda cheeseburger at the resort bar, we attempted to take a shower to get some of the sand off that had embedded into our skin after each take off. The tub could have been a beach and even after that I found I missed the beach that was STILL sitting on my scalp.
What a great day!
Best meal: Matt's sandwich was hamburger and mashed potatoes mixed together and fried was so good and my pizza was great too. We had a beach, a beer, a meal, and the entertainment!
ALR with her notebook: “What planes did you ride today”
MJR Begins to list them.
ALR writes them down, page looks like this:
Matt rode
MD80 – 2 of them
747 (sort of)
Dash 8
Amanda rode
MJR grabs notebook out of ALR’s hand: “WHAT!! Sort of? GRRRR….Screw you!”
ReplyDeleteIf you want to keep your audience interested, you will need to post more Mandy pictures and less Matthew pictures.