Now one thing that people don’t realize is that the wallpaper is not the enemy, it’s the glue. That’s the treachery that causes pain and agony and heartbreak. And as I sat there on the floor peeling the glue off in quarter size pieces mad and angry while Matt installed the water heater, I questioned who on earth would continue to put up wallpaper. It didn’t take long to get my answer. Janie and Jerry stopped by as they were on their way back to Fargo from Arizona.
They got the official tour and Janie informed me that she is so anxious to wall paper up but can’t because they put “that dang texture” up and ruin the wallpaper. I would have traded her in a heartbeat as we realized as we were ripping off and it came slowly and painfully that many of the wallpapered rooms have only seen wallpaper and have no clue what texture is.
We finally quit to head to Bismarck. We had hot water but I had only 1/25 of the wallpaper glue up.
ALM: I don’t get it?
MJR: What?
ALM: I would have loved to have been in the room when they decided to wallpaper or even better when they decided to put wallpaper over wallpaper. OR even better, when they decided to paint over the wallpaper that was over the wallpaper.
MJR: Yeah, I hate wallpaper too.
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