As the end of February looms nearer, I can’t believe a couple things. 1. That it’s the end of February and 2. That winter isn’t over yet. I’m so antsy for spring. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want the soupy mud and puddles, but I want the sunshine and the ice to be forbidden. I’ve slipped, fell, soaked, and stomped through this winter. I’d like the next season now. What’s funny, is that we’ve had worse winter and in fact there are others that have had worse winters this year. We made a trip up to Minot/Lansford this past weekend and they still have piles on the edges of the road and in the yards.

This trip to Lansford was life-changing. I don’t mean that sarcastic or snide, but genuine. The purpose of the trip was to meet Jackson Liam Dean, recently born son of Brendan and Claudia. Brendan and Matt have been friends/partners in crime since they were in 9th grade. Matt didn’t even ask Brendan to be in the wedding because it was assumed. They’ve been there for each other for years and on Feb 11, Claudia went into labor with Jackson. When I thought about how this would impact Brendan and Claudia’s life, I hadn’t really stopped to think about how it would change ours. It’s no longer just Brendan or just Brendan and Claudia but Jackson puts a new spin on everything. I also find it funny to hear the second hand conversation that they have about baby diapers, sleeping all night, and more “family” stuff, it’s especially funny when you know that these conversations used to be about beer, trucks, and guns. It was great to see Matt hold the baby, after some heavy convincing from Brendan. Made me wonder what our future may look like.
It was great to spend a little time with their little one but also spend some time with Matt’s parents. I love having Randy make pizza for me, he’s really gotten very good at the deep dish. I feel like our Christmas present to him, the deep dish pan, was very self-serving, but I don’t care. I’m very excited for when he comes to visit to us in March, maybe I’ll have to diet the week before!
Best Meal: Pizza!!! With wine!!!
“He’s so little! What if I break him!” MJR to Brendan
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