Breakfast was great! We found this great place that I’ve only seen as a chain in Chicago, Corner Bakery and Café. It was well priced and the breakfast was pretty great. He had steel cut oatmeal and I had a baked French toast with this amazing bacon. With happy bellies, we headed off to the Art Institute of Chicago. I was excited to see Roy Lichtenstein’s exhibit. I have always liked the Romance and War pieces; they have the cartoon-like look with the narrative bubbles and the dots that extend throughout the image. My other favorite was Magnifying Glass, which takes a closer look at the dots that Lichtenstein is known for. Matt wanted to see the photography but his favorite painting that he wanted to see was American Gothic. I was also excited to see Nighthawks. Overall, art trip was a success.
From the Art Institute, we went to the Lincoln Park Zoo. The walk took forever and ever and ever and all I could think the entire time was if we walk this far to get there, how bad is it going to be on the way back?
So next came the dreaded walk back that we decided to make better by making pit stops on the way back. Our first stop was the Lion Head, which we should have spent more time at. Matt enjoyed the beer while I had flavored lemonade. After we became rested and refreshed, we went two doors down to Kelsey’s where we enjoyed more beer and lemonade and cheese sticks. My favorite part of this leg of the trip was “the map bet”. Matt bet that I couldn’t find where we were at on the map and I determined while he timed me. When it was time up, I won that round of drinks! Ha, take that Mr. Knowitall.
From Kelsey’s, we took off to American Hotdog, where we enjoyed an official Chicago Dog, complete with pickles, tomatoes, peppers, relish, and mustard. We saw these made at Wrigley but we felt bad for the scoffing there as we’d done, these toppings were pretty good.
Next we had dessert at the Athenian Room, I’d wanted to share Baklava with Matt. This was an adventure as the restaurant had special requirements. There was a minimum $5 per person spend that was required and credit cards had a minimum of $10, which is all fine and dandy but the Baklava was $2.50! So we ordered what they called “greek caviar”. However, we still didn’t meet the minimum spending requirements!
We finished Lincoln Park off at Kincaid’s playing trivia. We even got a few however someone can’t get mad that I didn’t know what temperature water boils at, he didn’t get it right either!
We took the rail back with our hurt feet and complained about packing and I avoided it as long as I could.
Best meal: Hmmm…the bacon at the café or the hot dog, don’t make me pick!
“Yeah, I eat my own shit, so what, screw you.” – Gorilla at the Lincoln Park Zoo
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