
Saturday, May 26, 2012

First Trip Out

We finally made it.

We’ve been trying to camp since Easter and we just haven’t made it happen. Not for lack of trying but for work schedules, moving schedules, weather schedules, and then more work schedules. It felt great to set the blocks, unroll the rug, put up the pink flamingo, and eat our first hot dog. We both had this moment of “now what?” after busting to get the camper packed, rushing up to Beulah Bay, rushing to get set up, and then the calm afterward. I unpacked (and gave myself a promotion from last year) and put some of my clothes in the wardrobe versus had them just packed in a suitcase. It’s nice to get away, Matt did have to make a drive back to Dickinson tonight to work the night shift, but that situation will get better as he has the new staff coming on trained and ready by July.

Both of our works have been crazy and I know that my thoughts are floating back and forth to marketing strategies and campaign and ticket sales and enewsletters and about that time when I look at him I can about see the same look but instead it looks something like staff, master plans, financial audits, hangers, mowers, and FBO’s. I know we are both in those places that work is such a focus and concentration and I know it won’t always be that way.
Have I mentioned to buy your Vince Gill and Kid Rock tickets? No, they aren’t the same show.

The other great thing that is forced into center stage is the condo. It’s really coming together. I’m removing boxes (not as quickly now as earlier last week) and finding more floor and discovering so many things that I haven’t seen in forever. It feels great. TonyDanza is still a bit stressed and puzzled and Lola hates that I’m taking boxes away but I know they can tell the difference and like the space. I’m waiting for a bit more normalcy between Matt’s and mine schedule to fully enjoy the space, everything is a rush and a go, I haven’t been able to spend a weekend there yet. Have a feeling it’s not going to happen anytime soon either. I guess it could be worse, busy is better than boring.

"The fire is the main comfort of the camp, whether in summer or winter, and is about as ample at one season as at another.  It is as well for cheerfulness as for warmth and dryness." -Henry David Thoreau

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