
Monday, April 9, 2012

A lot can happen in a year….

Today is Matt and I’s year anniversary.

Our first date went a little like this. He picked me up in his pick-up. We went to El Sombrero (which I find ironic now considering I know Mexican is not his favorite). I had a chicken chimichanga (with no pico) and he had a beef chimichanga. The conversation flowed really well, it actually surprised me. We stayed late and it’s like he read my mind in that I didn’t want the date to end. We ended up at the Brickhouse for martinis. We continued conversation and even made a few friends. We ended the night with shots of French toast, where I got cinnamon on my nose.

Our second date was shoveling my driveway! Since then we’ve been to Mexico, planned trips, cooked, went camping, cuddled with cats, watched some tv, flew, took care of each other, ate well, moved, repaired, painted, went tubing, made campfires, played horseshoes, played tennis, played golf, shared families, shared secrets, and created memories.

Our biggest challenge is the miles between us but we really have made lemonade out of our lemons. We both know that we work at this because we know that we are a priority to each other. I know he gets sick of ad talk, office politics, my fix it projects, and moving me but each weekend that we are together and each phone call that lights up with his picture, I know I’m a lucky girl. And despite the fact that it took us so long to get together, I know the timing was working itself out. Another lesson in patience for me pays off. What a great year.

Quote that he sent me this morning:
“One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well.” – Virginia Woolf

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